looking for something new on my newsfeed

I have been here before, with quite good success! but with family drama i fell off the wagon (straight into a vat of ben and jerrys) and am now bigger than i have ever been!!

when i was here before i found it a great help to have some friends on here, seeing how well others are doing pushes me in the right direction and its nice to have people in the same boat to chat, laugh and support :)

I am a mother of 2 little gremlins (4&7) and work from home as an artist. looking to change my eating habits and be a lot more active. if you would like to help each other along the way, id love to add you to my friends list :)


  • susang19
    susang19 Posts: 26 Member
    Ben & Jerrys now we're talking !!!
    Mine has been like a yo yo!
    Quit smoking put on the pounds, joined gym took 20 off, lost my mojo and put 10 back on ...
    So here I am again ...
    Add me if you like. The support and encouragement really helps !
  • Roc104
    Roc104 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm a mother of two 14 months and a 3.5 yr old. I've lost my mojo last week and haven't had the courage to weigh the damage... I figured maybe next week... It's hard staying on track. Add me if you like too! You'd be my first friend on the site
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Welcome back, you've got this!