Looking for friends that also need to lose 100+ pounds! :)

Hello! I'm not sure what it is, but now more than ever I am feeling so motivated to get healthy! I am currently 23, 5'4" and 267 pounds and would eventually like to be about 160. I am battling a food addiction and trying to take back my health. I would love to connect with others who would want to motivate each other and lose 100+ pounds!


  • Deafening_Silence
    Deafening_Silence Posts: 42 Member
    Hey there! I'm currently 26 soon to be 27 next month. Im 5'6" and 286lbs. My goal weight is 160lbs-once im there i will decide if i want to loose more.
  • claudiamkay
    claudiamkay Posts: 11 Member
    295 pounds and 5'6! looking to lose about 150 pounds. Im eighteen and need to get serious about losing weight!!
  • angelred02
    angelred02 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! I'm 30, 5'7" and 285lbs. I definitely need to lose 100+. I joined planet fitness 2 weeks ago. Would love to connect and keep each other motivated!
  • Added you all! :)
  • jasmine1129
    jasmine1129 Posts: 38 Member
    Please add me too! I need motivation :)
  • coder48
    coder48 Posts: 8 Member
    I need motivation as well,
  • AyaRowan
    AyaRowan Posts: 80 Member
    Welcome! My highest weight back in 2007 was 318lb, started using MFP back in January of 2013. Might not have lost as fast as possible, but I've lost 100lb in a manageable way and am down to 217lb. Still want to lose about another 70lb.

    Whatever you do, remember that you're making a lifestyle change, not starting a diet! Watching your portions, being aware of food labels, etc are things you have to make part of your daily routine, make them habits to do for the rest of your life not something you'll stop once you lose weight. Losing weight is very possible, and once you start seeing results your motivation should strengthen even more.
  • Hey, im currently 265lbs and looking for people to help and gain inspiration and motivation whilst going through this journey. I started my journey last week and lost 4lbs :smile: .. Meeting new people who want to fight this battle as well would truely be amazing.
    Jus add me :) Thanks all
  • ianslevine
    ianslevine Posts: 6 Member

    You're taking on an ambitious goal, and should be proud of yourself just for trying. Food addiction is the worst. If you're looking for another person to hold you true to yourself, feel free to add me. I'm 6' 1, 285 down from 313, and going for 189.

  • 3dansell
    3dansell Posts: 5 Member
    I would love to be added! I'm 242 and want to lose 100 pounds! I'm 45 and just joined a gym last week and use a fitbit.
  • Marissanikc
    Marissanikc Posts: 6 Member
    19 at 225 lbs 5'3. Would like some motivation as well!!
  • jdingus728
    jdingus728 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello I'm 24 and I currently weigh 252 and im 5'3" and I'd like like get to 150. We're all in this together if anyone would like to add me you can do so :-)
  • I need to lose about 120lbs. I have a free gym membership through my college so I've been going there. I've been at it a week and 10 pounds have fallen off! I'm 23 years old and 254.4 pounds and I started at 266.6.
  • Missam83
    Missam83 Posts: 1
    I also need to lose 100 pounds. I am 32 years old, so it isn't going as easy if I was 24. So I could definitely use the motivation! Please add me!!!
  • Just stopping in to say it can be done! At age 47, and weighing 308, I got a bad blood sugar number during a routine test. It scared the living hell out of me and, overnight, I changed everything.

    You have to find the plan that works for you -- not just today, but forever. In my case, it was to eat 1500-1800 calories a day (I'm a 6'1" woman), keep carbs to no more than 100g spread evenly through the day and make all of them complex (I.e. No pasta, white bread, potatoes, etc.), eat all the fiber possible and not worry at all about fat (no low-fat stuff, etc.) I grieved giving up the easy carbs (I'd been making my own bread, pasta and ice cream) but, after a time, I found I didn't miss them. Cauliflower rice and zucchini noodles really did provide what I needed -- a way to get a tasty marinara sauce, or forkful of curry, to my mouth!

    I also began doing 45 minutes of cardio six days a week by hiking hills near my house. It was tough at the start, but I simply started at the bottom and told myself that, however many times I needed to stop, and however long it took, I was going to get to the top. I did, often channeling Tara Costa, a Biggest Loser contestant who won every challenge through pure grit. In hindsight, my only regret is not lifting weights, too, but I've since added them!

    The weight came off at a rate of 10+ pounds a month, slowed down eventually, and in 15 months I'd lost 120 pounds. At 47. I also went back to the doctor -- still terrified -- and discovered that my blood sugar was back in the normal range. (I know I was incredibly lucky to catch it early enough to change.)

    The changes have stuck. I put about 20# back on while sidelined with a broken foot for six months, but some of that is muscle from weight lifting and I'm working to lose the rest as I get back on track. Mostly, I'm just thrilled to be healthy, strong and able to do whatever I want!

    Hang tough. Make the changes. Figure out what triggers you to eat (one for me was being at an airport traveling for work) and, with that awareness, refusing to give in a few times -- after that, the trigger loses its power.

    You. Can. Do. This.
  • Bradley_J84
    Bradley_J84 Posts: 110 Member
    Anyone can add me, im looking to lose 100 and about half way there
  • skinnytayy
    skinnytayy Posts: 459
    5'2 & currently 217lbs. Looking to lose 115lbs total & have lost 28lbs so far. Anyone can add me if they'd like. :)
  • jessika0189
    jessika0189 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Sarah!

    I'm currently 5' 4" 258 and hoping to lose about 90 more pounds. I've sent you a friend request. We can all use a little motivation.
  • jdingus728
    jdingus728 Posts: 7 Member
    Just stopping in to say it can be done! At age 47, and weighing 308, I got a bad blood sugar number during a routine test. It scared the living hell out of me and, overnight, I changed everything.

    You have to find the plan that works for you -- not just today, but forever. In my case, it was to eat 1500-1800 calories a day (I'm a 6'1" woman), keep carbs to no more than 100g spread evenly through the day and make all of them complex (I.e. No pasta, white bread, potatoes, etc.), eat all the fiber possible and not worry at all about fat (no low-fat stuff, etc.) I grieved giving up the easy carbs (I'd been making my own bread, pasta and ice cream) but, after a time, I found I didn't miss them. Cauliflower rice and zucchini noodles really did provide what I needed -- a way to get a tasty marinara sauce, or forkful of curry, to my mouth!

    I also began doing 45 minutes of cardio six days a week by hiking hills near my house. It was tough at the start, but I simply started at the bottom and told myself that, however many times I needed to stop, and however long it took, I was going to get to the top. I did, often channeling Tara Costa, a Biggest Loser contestant who won every challenge through pure grit. In hindsight, my only regret is not lifting weights, too, but I've since added them!

    The weight came off at a rate of 10+ pounds a month, slowed down eventually, and in 15 months I'd lost 120 pounds. At 47. I also went back to the doctor -- still terrified -- and discovered that my blood sugar was back in the normal range. (I know I was incredibly lucky to catch it early enough to change.)

    The changes have stuck. I put about 20# back on while sidelined with a broken foot for six months, but some of that is muscle from weight lifting and I'm working to lose the rest as I get back on track. Mostly, I'm just thrilled to be healthy, strong and able to do whatever I want!

    Hang tough. Make the changes. Figure out what triggers you to eat (one for me was being at an airport traveling for work) and, with that awareness, refusing to give in a few times -- after that, the trigger loses its power.

    You. Can. Do. This.

    I just had the same problem with my sugar I failed the glucose test by 1 point. My dr put me on meds and told me to exercise and diet. It scared the hell out of me also because diabetes runs in my family. Good luck
  • I'm 26, 5'4, and I am looking to lose about 150lbs.