The Unified Geek Motivation Thread!



  • rockabyesarojane
    i read manga, watch anime, and i cosplay.
    i also love fantasy genre movies, books, and television shows.

    and this weekend i'll be seeing THOR for the third time.... at least i know you guys wont judge me. LOL

    OH and for all you dr who fans out there; please allow me to introduce myself.
    my name is Sara-Jane
  • CreativeRedhead
    CreativeRedhead Posts: 2,166
    Total geek here too! I love it all, video games, fantasy / sci-fi movies and books, comics. Love Star Wars and Star Trek equally. I'd love just one day in Middle Earth. :tongue: Is it bad that people often told me I was too smart for them back in the day? lol I'm sort of a nature geek too, taking pics of bugs and flowers and trees all the time now. I'm forever awkward and never quite know what to say to non geeks. :laugh: Oh yeah and all my favorite shows get cancelled too.....Firefly and Legend of the Seeker I miss you!

    My xbox gamertag is xX BUTT3RFLY Xx yes I did just use a 3 for my e! :tongue:
  • Osiris_Blue
    Osiris_Blue Posts: 61 Member
    I'm in too :)

    Major sci fi, gamer & computer geek! Osiris_Blue is my xbox gamertag so feel free to add me on that and on MFP.

    Ps. I hope all you sci fi geeks out there have joined the save stargate universe facebook and twitter pages!!
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    I'm in! I didn't really think I was a geek until I added it up... comics/graphic novels, sci fi tv, books and films, I adore documentaries about space and own a telescope (albeit a teeny little one), I love rolde playing games but never get to play them any more because my fiance is a computer game geek and I'm not. I also love card games like Doomtown and legend of the 5 rings and used to play blood bowl and the like but don't as much now because there's no-one in my town who is into it too. :)

    Geek enough to join?
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    Well, if we're talking Gamertags - mine's TheGoktor (duh!), and this is my avatar...

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Sci-fi (I'm a Browncoat), fantasy (uh... profile pic?!) and a very mild gamer. I don't play much because that's my husband's domain, and if we were both addicted, the cats would starve then eat our faces while we slept.

    I have a strange obsession with medieval weaponry. And vikings (duh.) and Scotland ( *sigh* kilts :smile: ). Love zombies and vampires. (Eric Northman!!!!) Love to sew, paint and sculpt. I totally geek out over Halloween and have never worn (and will never wear) a store-bought costume. At my Halloween party last year, everyone said, "WOW! You really went all out decorating for this!" but in reality, I hadn't. That's just how my house looks. Very Addams family. I just need a giant two headed tortoise and a swordfish with a leg coming out it's mouth.

    I don't know if it fits the geek criteria, but I'm crazy into home improvement and power tools. Our first Christmas together, my husband got me a cordless drill and that's when I knew I had to marry him. :heart:
  • troythegeek
    troythegeek Posts: 47
    Well, if we're talking Gamertags - mine's TheGoktor (duh!), and this is my avatar...


    LOVE IT!!
  • troythegeek
    troythegeek Posts: 47
    While we are throwing out gamertags, mine for Xbox and PS3 (whenever it is back up GRRR) is: snoofie71
  • Munchiemooka
    Munchiemooka Posts: 176 Member
    Into sifi, fantisty, PC/concol games and my worst offender WoW lol............ Always been the geek even when I was young watching starwars a hundred times :)

    Cant wait to go see Thor...... Have you guys in the UK saw the new car add with the child dressed as Darth Varder, I was in stictches :laugh:
  • Nharah
    Nharah Posts: 42 Member
    Geek here... Sci-fi.. gamergirl...History buff (we did a 10th century Norse wedding..LOL) books, comics, SCA.. etc etc etc..

    Oh yeah.. we bought a house shaped like 4 linked octogons because it was so COOL..

    and our boxer is named Khaine...

  • wheelieblade
    wheelieblade Posts: 323
    Hi if anyone wants my xbox gamer tag please pm me, feel free to add me as well
  • dhammond5
    dhammond5 Posts: 34 Member
    I started the Geek Girl thread. I am a uber geek! I love conventions and costuming. I play the wii and muchkin, those are my favorite games. The mmo I play is Pirates, and right now my favorite costume is my pirate costume. I also read all the time, most of it's urban fiction, sci fi, and fantasy. It's awesome that other geeks are here to support each other in our efforts to get healthy!
  • MemphisGirl75
    MemphisGirl75 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm the daughter of a history/sci-fi geek, married to a chess champion/comic/sci-fi geek, and gave birth to a gamer/comic/sci-fi geek. Does that count for anything? I'm the sci-fi type, having grown up watching The Prisoner, Twilight Zone, BG, SW and ST. I found ST:TNG and Dr. Who on my own.

    If I could go back to my wedding, we would definitely have done the SCA thing!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
    XLMKX Posts: 86
    Does the following phrase give you goosebumps?

    This week's Doctor Who is penned by Neil Gaiman.

    I am so excited for this it is ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!