Need some friends right now

Hi all
You've probably heard it all before!! But I'm your usual been there done it and got the t-shirt
I know what food to eat how to read labels all the stuff would couldn't possibly know on how to be healthy and lose weight!! The only thing I'm missing is the famous WILLPOWER
I know I have some I stopped smoking in October with no help from replacement nicotine just decided to stop and I did.
So why can't i do thighs with all the bad foods :(
All ideas welcome


  • dianamattinson
    Typo bit thighs!! This
  • johnbowles1974
    johnbowles1974 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I know exactly how you feel. (Apart from the smoking, I never have) but the process must be the same.
    I know what I should be eating, how much I should be eating and how much I should be exercising. But it's just not that simple is it? Or maybe it is for some?
    I have done ok lately, but it's a familiar story many have that sometimes I just can't do it. I also put it down to willpower. (Lack of!).
    If anyone has any tips then please let me know!
    Hope we can solve this!
  • Tremellas
    Tremellas Posts: 999 Member
    I guess maybe you could completely change your perspective on how you view certain foods that you want to avoid. I understand that corn sugar is toxic, it gives people a fatty liver, causes scaring, the stuffs dangerous, so I avoid it, I guess out of fear. I mean you quit smoking because you don't want cancer right, I quit eating crappy food because I don't want to damage my organs (even though, just like smoking, the damage kind of goes unnoticed at first). That's just what helps me, for what its worth, its not just about willpower, you can do it :)
  • rebeccaschlaht
    rebeccaschlaht Posts: 22 Member
    I have gained and lost weight, have medical problems that help me stay bigger and yes I totally know what to do and lack will power most of the time. This time is different.
    1. I do not hate myself if I eat something that is not 100% good for me.
    2. My whole family is participating so when I feel like not walking they do so we all do.
    3. I keep the pantry and kitchen stocked so I have no excuse to eat out.
    4. I am in it for the long haul and there isnt 1 meal that is going to knock me off course.
    5. I am turning 40 in a year and dont want to be the unhealthy girl anymore
    6. If I had to protect my family and keep them alive I couldnt in my current physical condition.
    7. I measure my food and log it and hold myself accountable
    I told myself I would do anything to make my family happy and keep them safe. I decided that includes me getting healthy so I can do that. When I work out I listen to music that inspires me. I use fitnesspal almost to much. And the most important thing is #1 I dont hate myself if I need to eat a handful of chocolate chips or I splurge on one meal. I just get back on the horse and focus on the next good choices I am going to make. Good luck and friend me if you want.
  • dianamattinson
    Thanks for all advice
    John it is so hard when everyone around you is eating what they want and stay slim or not bothered it's hard. I'm sure we will find that willpower somewhere
    Tremellas thank you for the advice I will try that way of thinking
    Rebecca I lost weight for my 40th now 42 and the weight is back on
    I have PCOS so it's hard to lose weight but I won't use that as an excuse now
    I'm currently doing the 5:2 and now find the 2 fasting days fairly easy
    So fingers crossed I will start to see some weightloss I get fed up if I only loe 1/2lb when I've worked so hard that week x
  • pamelatorbett
    Hi! I would find the fasting days unbearable and then my kids would find me unbearable! I find it easier to stick to watching my proteins, carbs and good fats when I pre-plan for the week on Sunday. I weigh and prepackage everything, some in fridge and other in freezer, have it all written on paper and take with me what I need. That way it's all right there when I am hungry and I don't grab something bad because I don't feel like making something good. I am now in the bulking stage of my goal of competing, but I love being able to use the Whey Protein powders added to water or half water, half unsweetened almond milk. It really does fill you up and the craving is gone, some have Splenda in them, no sugar at all.
  • aksteve777
    aksteve777 Posts: 184 Member
    When I decreased carbs and ate fat and protein I don't get hungry as much. Use the mfp to decide on macros enter food and it works. I ate whole grains no fat for years and was starving all the time. Not any more, good luck
  • Mom2_AthruZ
    Mom2_AthruZ Posts: 5 Member
    It's hard, but try not to pay too much attention to the scale. Take measurements. I've found on weeks that the scale hasn't moved that I've lost inches. I think about how after two weeks my jeans, that were super snug most everywhere, are now fitting better in certain spots. PCOS definitely makes it harder. I have several friends that deal with it. I see their frustration. Just don't give up. They have all been successful getting to and maintaining a healthy weight for their frames.

    My biggest challenge is allowing life circumstances to affect my eating and work out choices. To combat that I find a motivational quote, put it on some sticky notes, and plaster it everywhere as a reminder through out the day.

    Feel free to send me a friend request!
  • frogprogrammer
    frogprogrammer Posts: 9 Member
    I need all sorts of new friends because I have a bad habit of losing my motivation!

    I want to do this and I want it to last and work! I owe it to myself to get back into great shape and be the type of father that can run around with my children all the time. They deserve a good example and I need to provide it by getting into shape and remaining healthy for them!
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    You need to keep trying variations and working out a diet that suits you. Some people can 5:2 and others not, see what happens.

    Willpower is finite and will run out, what you need is commitment and determination to be consistent. Also knowledge about doing it correctly helps.
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    First. Congrats on quitting smoking. That's a big deal. Two. Willpower is hard but you CAN do it since you quite smoking cold turkey, so no excuses. :) I'm pretty much in the same boat though and this winter was so hard, but now I'm back to exercising more (running, bicycling) and now I'm incorporating strength training, which gives me a reason to eat more. LOL! Good luck in your weight loss. You are welcome to friend me if you'd like.
  • doingItIn2012
    doingItIn2012 Posts: 80 Member
    You have come to the right place. Take it one meal at a time. Small efforts all add up.
  • dianamattinson
    Wow the response is great thank you to each and everyone of you
    Feeling motivated x