New Directions

gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
I've started new directions today...........and while I know everyone won't agree with my choice, it is my choice - and I feel my health is worth this step of this program.

I'm interested to know if anyone else here is doing it, has done it, etc and your results, opinion, experience.


  • Hello,
    I started in March. I like most of the shakes and am really thankful I got into the program through my health plan. So far, no complaints. I'm really losing for the first time in years and look forward to hitting my targets. It is a lot harder to stick to the plan when we're around family during holidays, etc. but so far so good!
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    I've never done it but considering it's a very low calorie diet who's aim is to induce ketosis to reduce your appetite in order for you to be able to tolerate the severe calorie restriction I think you'd do well to research low carb diets. When you come off of those shakes and eat "normally" your appetite is going to come back with a vengeance so maintaining ketosis as you transition back to real food might be your best bet.

    ^^That was me trying to be supportive because I hate when people come into threads just to disagree with the approach but have you ever heard of ANYONE maintaining their weight loss with these sorts of diets? I know I haven't. So really, work on trying to figure out how you're going to maintain your weight loss under real world conditions because that's going to be your biggest challenge. Best wishes.
  • llstacy
    llstacy Posts: 91 Member
    I did a medically supervised diet before. You'll feel absolutely amazing as the weight drops off, thrilled with how great you look, promise yourself you'll never get fat again and then you'll beat yourself up and wonder what's wrong with you when you gain it all back. :cry: Maybe if you count your calories every day during and after you come off the shakes you can nip some of the inevitable weight regain in the bud? I don't know.
  • Ladybug_Karen
    Ladybug_Karen Posts: 123 Member
    Today is day 9 for me! Feel free to add me! I like the program because its working and there is an exit plan. I like that there's accountability and they won't let you have your food unless you come to class weekly. :) Just got a fitbit flex yesterday and I can't wait to use it.
  • Herring83
    Herring83 Posts: 4 Member
    I started The New Directions Diet on May 2nd. It's only been a day but so far, I'm doing well. I like the diet because it is medically controlled and I will be able to attend classes that teaches me how to make healthier choices. I also like it because; I don't have to think about what to eat as the drinks are provided for me. :smile:
  • Ladybug_Karen
    Ladybug_Karen Posts: 123 Member
    Hello!! Sorry I'm just now seeing this. I like ND for the same reasons. I wish you well! It's been almost 4 weeks for me. Tomorrow is first months Dr visit.
  • I'm on it add me.