miss Arizona

If been working out every day and loving my food I fell like I should be loseing weight but am not went ideas


  • amandanix86
    amandanix86 Posts: 8 Member
    I mean logging in my food
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Whats your calorie goal and how close to you come to it? Height, current weight, goals? Weighing & measuring foods? What type of exercise and how are you tracking calorie burns? More info needed to offer help. :smile:
  • amandanix86
    amandanix86 Posts: 8 Member
    edited March 2015
    I walk five miles a day wigh is an hour and 30 min at 3miles her hour and I eat about between 800 900 cal wigh I eat Greek 100 Yoplait whips and like an Apple or another Greek 100 and I drink water and for dinner I eat like one piece of chicken that I cook in my new wave and I'll eat veg with it all so 1\4 cup of box pasta you can all so check out my dairy on here all so and some times if the weather is good I all so do 4mile bike ride all so and what's werd was I weigh my self before I went to the Dr and that have me at 231 mines my clothes I wigh 226 well my scale says 219 220 so and if been doing this for 2 months know am all so 5"4 in inches my gole is to be at lest 180 160
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Well for starters, 800-900 calories a day is WAY too low, you should be eating a minimum of 1200 per day, and even that is probably too low.

    And your diary is private, so can't check that out.

    You need to eat the proper number of calories to fuel your body for your current goals - this means figuring your current age, height, weight and activity level, and taking a cut from what your body burns in a 24 hour period. MFP does this for you if you enter your info accurately and with realistic goals.

    The daily calorie goal MFP gives you has you at a calorie deficit, meaning you could eat TO GOAL every day, do zero exercise, and you'll lose weight, because that calorie amount is lower than what your body is burning all day - sleeping, walking, working, sitting on the couch, brushing your teeth, etc. Then if you add exercise, you're burning off more cals, so MFP adds those burned cals back into your daily goal. You eat them back, bringing your NET cals to or close to goal, you're still in deficit, you still lose weight, and your body is happily fueled and strong, lean muscle is preserved, while the fat comes off.

    You're not doing yourself any favors by eating so low - it's not healthy, it's not sustainable, and it's not worth it.

    Personally, my goal is to eat as many cals as I can while still losing weight, which is exactly what I've done for over three years now, reaching goal weight and keeping it off.
  • amandanix86
    amandanix86 Posts: 8 Member
    What kids of foods do I eat ?
  • amandanix86
    amandanix86 Posts: 8 Member
    And how often?
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Right now, it doesn't really matter what kind and 100% doesn't matter how often. Without any other stats, IMHO it's pretty clear your logging is off. If you were only eating 800-900 calories, you'd be losing weight. How long have you been at this?
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    edited March 2015
    Let me preface this with PLEASE do not take this the wrong way, I mean it with the best of intentions, honestly.

    Your profile says you have overall 60 ish lbs to lose. That isn't a little bit of weight, that's a decent amount of weight to lose. How, and I mean this in the nicest of ways, how did you get to be in a position of needing to lose 60lbs if you are able to sustain yourself on 800 - 900 calories/day? Like really. I know how I got to be 340lbs, I ate more than I needed to and I struggled to stop those habits. STRUGGLED! I wasn't loving life when I made the changes I did. I mean after I started running and the pounds were dropping I did but trust me, at first it wasn't good. I realized though, I was being too restrictive. Now I'm an everything in moderation and enjoying life :)

    As someone said, what you're eating now is not sustainable. Do you know who survives on 800 - 900 calories? Not 30 year old 5'4 women, that's for darn sure. Especially if you're in a situation where you need to lose more than 50 lbs. Believe it or not, going on diets like this causes the anorexia-like effects on your body, even if you are technically "obese". Your organs don't get the right nutrients, your essential brain function suffers and if you let it go long enough (which takes a lot of control and commitment) your hair falls out, your teeth lose enamel and turn brownish, your nails become brittle. It's not healthy. It's not starvation mode - so do not think of the you need to eat more to lose, at all - it's just not healthy. As Amy mentioned, eat as much as you can while still losing weight. I'm 5'10 and 250lbs and I lose on approx 2,000 net calories/day. I started at 340lbs, and I'm now training to run my first 5K in April. I never thought I'd get here. Training and the gym 5 days/week helped, but nutrition makes an exceptional amount of difference. There's no other way around that.

    As for what to eat - eat whatever!! I had freakin McDonalds yesterday because I could not stop thinking about those $1.29 cheeseburgers lol but they fit into my calories so I had it. I'm a big fan of everything in moderation. Some people eat keto, some eat paleo, some are vegetarian. Whatever blows your dress up is really ok, as long as you're getting the nutrients your body needs and I can guarantee you would not get those nutrients on 800 - 900 calories/day.

    Further, as RGv2 said, you are probably not accurately logging. If you were truly eating that little then you would be losing. Another factor is if you're using MFP to estimate your exercise calories, it grossly over estimates. Grossly. When I put my exercise is, I cut the calories it tells me I burned in half because I know it's not accurate.

    You need to be honest with yourself with what you're eating. And I think you might be surprised by what you're actually putting in your mouth, I know I was at first. You need to drink a lot of water - I drink about 3L/day.

    Be honest, weigh everything. Your diary is locked so I can't say for sure but I highly doubt you're honestly eating 800 - 900 calories/day. The long term damage of that is horrible and for most it's not sustainable - especially for those who are overweight. I don't say that to be mean, it's just a conditioning. Most people who have been obese do not have the mentality to only eat that little for sustained periods of time. We just don't. I eat, and I love to eat. I don't deny myself things but I also moderate how much and how often I eat it. I go over on my calories - it happens. Not all the time and not by thousands but it does happen.

    The best thing you can do is be honest. Weight loss is about 70% diet and 30% exercise. Ever heard the saying "Abs are made in the kitchen"? It's really true.

    Further, 1/4 cup of pasta is really, really not much at all. I know it's a serving but it's very small. And like I said, coming from a position of over eating you must have some serious control to only eat 1/4 cup cooked pasta.

    The bottom line to weight loss is CICO. Calories In < Calories out. It's very much that simple. It's not easy to be honest and admit you were eating things you shouldn't have or ate too much or however you want to look at it, but if you aren't honest with yourself about what you're eating and how much of it, what's the point? Also, what you eat in private you wear in public. So whether you "log" accurately or not on MFP, your body will more accurately log every single calorie you consume and every single calorie you burn, always. You can't fool your body into thinking you only ate 800 calories when you really at 1,500. Our bodies are amazing . . . and sometimes that sucks.

    Edited for my poor spelling :(
  • amandanix86
    amandanix86 Posts: 8 Member
    Well the thing is when I had whigh my self part week to see if I was lossing my scale said 219 well I went to my Dr and that weigh me at 231 with my clothes on wich I had on my jeans so to day I weight my self and am 219 so I just want to lose this Wight and I here what your saying I dose take a lot of will power to eat small amounts believe me ha but to day I had chicken beast with cheese and leadess and it was so good but I try to watch my cal like crazy and I fell good am a 16 paints and its not like am supper fat looking but if just wanted to loose this weigh and thanks for helping me relize that my eating was not good I all ways eat in the right amount went ways
  • retropactum
    retropactum Posts: 75 Member
    edited March 2015
    I weigh slightly more than you (currently 239 lbs) and eat 1500 calories to lose roughly 1.5 lbs a week. I highly suggest that you take some time to review the pinned posts on these forums. By no means am I perfect, but they really helped me get an accurate idea about the science behind weight loss. If you aren’t ready to get behind the concepts, let MFP guide things for you. Set your figures (don't tinker with it), choose to lose 1.5 or 2 lbs per week, and then go. It's that simple.

    (Edit to add: I sent you a friend request)
  • amandanix86
    amandanix86 Posts: 8 Member
    RGv2 wrote: »
    Right now, it doesn't really matter what kind and 100% doesn't matter how often. Without any other stats, IMHO it's pretty clear your logging is off. If you were only eating 800-900 calories, you'd be losing weight. How long have you been at this?

  • amandanix86
    amandanix86 Posts: 8 Member
    2 months