Need Friends for Support

I need to lose 38 pounds and have been trying for a year now. Always doing good for a couple weeks then giving up. I have to stay on track this time and looking for friends to help motivate and support eachother


  • I am the exact same way! I have lost 15lbs so far this year but I hit a plateau. I need to lose another 46 lbs and at times it feels impossible. Sometimes I just wanna give up and eat my feelings. But having friends in the process will do a load of good! We can motivate each other.
  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    Just remember that starting over is always more difficult than the decision to KEEP GOING on the days that are more of a struggle. Narrow in on WHY you want to lose that 38lbs. How will you FEEL when that weight is gone? How will life be different? What will you be able to do that you can't do now? Focus on the end results and then put up reminders of how you'll feel and look all over the freakin' place! Create layers of accountability. Ask a trusted friend to keep you accountable. Join some accountability groups. Get a coach. Make it IMPOSSIBLE for you to be able to give up without someone on your butt! :pensive:

    You can do this!

    Feel free to friend me! :)
  • Bekah7482
    Bekah7482 Posts: 247 Member
    Everyone is welcome to add me. Can always get more support!
  • kellie313
    kellie313 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello all feel free to add me, I was doing so well and now sort of lost my way, I have not put on weight but I will if I don't motivate myself so would love help with motivation
  • DanieleIsBatgirl
    DanieleIsBatgirl Posts: 14 Member
    I've been thinking about doing this for a couple of years now (been up and down with eating disorders) and once I hit high school I just gained it all back and then some. I'm trying again a few years later and ready to do things the right way, so feel free to talk to me if you need any support!
  • amdawells
    amdawells Posts: 76 Member
    I'm the same way. I think last year I made the decision to make an effort to start working out to lose weight & mostly to get in shape. I've always had a strong metabolism my whole life & never worried about my weight until I turned 38. I'm now 40, soon to be 41 in a few months, & I just want to get down to my high school (athletic) weight of 130. I have roughly 30 lbs to hit my goal. I've been trying off & on then get frustrated when I don't see any progress. I need to rewire my brain to remember my metabolism isn't what it use to be & with a little hard work & patience it will be worthwhile sticking it out. I need some work out buddies to help me out. So, add me if you'd like ... I'll be here!
  • StephanieRS
    StephanieRS Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in the same place. I've ballooned up to 241lbs and my health is going down the toilet. I just turned 30 and I know I'm in a delicate balance. I seriously need to take control of my body. Sadly, I'm around the 12th generation of women in my family to have weight problems. I swore I wouldn't be here, and yet- I am.

    Looking for friends to keep me accountable! I've been working our regularly for a month or so now, but my food choices are horrible. I need to work on both sides of the coin!
  • Jenny6884
    Jenny6884 Posts: 3 Member
    I had a beautiful baby boy 7 months ago. I gained about 70lbs during pregnancy. I've struggled getting the weight off. I've lost about 40 at this point due to gaining back an extra 15 pounds since returning to work.

    I'm struggling with my diet. But even struggling more to find the energy to exercise. I bought myself an expensive jogger to motivate myself but the weather is still a little chilly to take my little one out.

    I'd love to have people support, encourage and guide me through these last 30lbs. I'm 30, and want to get my body back!
  • sarabclaypole
    sarabclaypole Posts: 74 Member
    Feel free to add me :smile: need new accountability partners x