Advice please


I was wandering if anyone had any advice on how I could lose weight quickly. I used to be slim but 2 years ago I lost my father and a couple months after that I met my partner. So I put on A LOT of weight. I am very self concious and hate the way I look. The only problem is I don't have much will power. Please help if you can?
Thank you!


  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    You need to get some will power. Sorry, there are no magic pills to help.
  • LetterboxingMoose
    LetterboxingMoose Posts: 18 Member
    Set your goal to lose 2 lbs a week. Eat healthy balanced meals within your calorie allowance. If you get into the habit of eating healthy meals, you will have an easier time maintaining your goal weight so you don't gain it all back. Measure all your food and track it correctly on this site. Drink a lot of water and exercise (both cardio workouts and strength training will help you see results faster.) Trust the process; it works if you are honest about what you are eating and how much you are exercising. Good luck!
  • epido
    epido Posts: 353 Member
    If you are wanting to have lasting weight loss, it isn't going to happen quickly. You didn't gain the weight overnight, and you won't successfully lose it that way either.

    With most of the quick-loss diets, it is water weight you are losing, and not fat. They tend to be things that aren't sustainable long-term, such as crazy low calorie diets, or cutting out this or that type of food.

    The best way to lose the weight, and keep it off, is to make gradual, sustainable, life changes. Things like making healthier food choices, learning to eat all foods in moderation, incorporating some sort of exercise you enjoy, etc. (And for the record, exercise will help your fitness, but isn't how the bulk of weight is lost. Weight is lost when you are at a deficit - burning more calories than you are eating. That can be accomplished 100% in the kitchen.) Don't think of it as a diet, but as a lifestyle change.

    It isn't easy to do, and you need to have some will-power, self-discipline, or whatever else you want to call it to be in for the long haul. Weight loss isn't linear, and there will be bumps in the road along the way. Motivation will only take you so far, before persistence will need to kick in and keep you on the way to what ever goal you set for yourself.