I'm just over half way to my goal...

I am getting bored with the meal ideas and need some help keeping motivated. The weight loss has been motivation enough to stay somewhat on track. But I'm now slowly loosing the inches and pounds...so I just need some boost! Ideas??


  • dragon_sla
    dragon_sla Posts: 42 Member
    There are a couple things that work for me. Have you thought of setting realistic goals and rewarding yourself with something special. It doesn't have to be big or expensive just something you want. Also, with me I keep a pic of myself and when feel like giving up look at it and say will not go back to that fat old me. Plus the way I feel and see myself is helping. The main thing is don't give up on yourself. I wish you the best of luck meeting your goal!!
  • jscollins228
    jscollins228 Posts: 2 Member
    Very good advice, thank you! I feel at this point, the weight loss I've had is enough motivation to keep me going. I've rewarded myself with the newer, tighter fitting clothes and whatnot to feel better and look better. But I think my struggles really at this point is more on the healthier meals and new ideas. I've really only lost about 3 pounds the last month and it's mainly from maintaining the weight and healthier life style. But I'm just not on this 100% motivation kick right now. So I'm just trying to find that again and looking for more ideas on maybe how to get that back so I can stop maintaining and start loosing again. :) thanks again for your encouragement!!