The REAL MFP Uncrushables thread...

THIS thread is not about whether people would bang you. Or for those who need validation.

THIS thread is where people can come, and can raise their hand and say...


Life tries to bring us down... whether it's finances, exes, injuries, you name it...
But we can either lay there and allow it to trample us... or we can fight, and stand up and say...


so... GO! Tell your story! Why are you uncrushable?


  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Why am I uncrushable?

    I can now do 7 chin ups, where a month ago, I couldn't even do one

    I can now complete week 5 day 2 of the pushup challenge (100 pushups), whereas last November... I couldn't even do five in a row.

    I am a separated mom of two children, working full time, commuting, and managing my own house. And I am managing it quite well! (Especially when my ex told me that I could never do it on my own!)

    I own (and operate) my own power tools. I built my own squat rack.

    I am a mud runner.

    I am badass, and NOTHING will stop me from moving forward!
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    MireyGal76 wrote: »
    Why am I uncrushable?

    I can now do 7 chin ups, where a month ago, I couldn't even do one

    I can now complete week 5 day 2 of the pushup challenge (100 pushups), whereas last November... I couldn't even do five in a row.

    I am a separated mom of two children, working full time, commuting, and managing my own house. And I am managing it quite well! (Especially when my ex told me that I could never do it on my own!)

    I own (and operate) my own power tools. I built my own squat rack.

    I am a mud runner.

    I am badass, and NOTHING will stop me from moving forward!

    All of this. You are a badass, and I'm so glad you own it!
  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member
    I love this. You are a total badass and an inspiration to many.

    I lift. Heavy. And I love my protein. No, I'm not getting bulky. In fact, I'm the most fit I've ever been. Ever.

    I'm a mom, a wife, a full-time professional, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a home-owner, a landlord, a volunteer mentor, a travel enthusiast and many more. I not only balance life, I grab that sucker by the balls and make it my b*tch.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    rachelrb85 wrote: »
    I love this. You are a total badass and an inspiration to many.

    I lift. Heavy. And I love my protein. No, I'm not getting bulky. In fact, I'm the most fit I've ever been. Ever.

    I'm a mom, a wife, a full-time professional, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a home-owner, a landlord, a volunteer mentor, a travel enthusiast and many more. I not only balance life, I grab that sucker by the balls and make it my b*tch.


  • Tiernan1212
    Tiernan1212 Posts: 797 Member
    I am uncrushable because I fought my way out of an abusive relationship, and an alcoholic relationship, and am now happily standing on my own 2 feet.

    I am uncrushable because I have overcome my past self hate, and have learned to embrace who I am and what I am capable of.

    I am uncrushable because I am learning to put my needs ahead of others, and make time for myself.

    I am uncrushable because I took all my self doubt, all of my insecurities, and all of my imagined shortcomings and crushed them into the ground...revealing the strong, capable woman underneath.

  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    I am uncrushable because I work every day to build a better me. I dig deep to find my own motivation to keep moving forward even when schedules get crazy and I think there is no possible way to fit it in. I FIND my time, I FIND ways to fit things into the tiny cracks that are left in my day after everything else is scheduled. I have literally fallen on my face more times than I can count on both hands and both feet, I have failed at my weight loss numerous times, I have been told to just be happy with who I am. I WON'T! I know I have it in me I just need to keep moving forward. ONE. FOOT. IN. FRONT. OF. THE. OTHER.!
  • crazie4lulu
    crazie4lulu Posts: 762 Member
    i am uncrushable because i USED to weigh well over 300 lbs due to childbirth. NOT a damn thing i could do about it at the time... but afterwards??? i got my health back in order. wasnt easy either. NOW i am a KICK *kitten* personal trainer by day and an even BETTER mom and wife the rest of the time! i can lift a lot of weight and i can run a marathon. i have been through hell and back with my body and i am BETTER and STRONGER than ever!!!!!
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I'm uncrushable because I reversed my insulin resistance.

    I'm uncrushable because I live with Chiari Malformation and never let it become a crutch or excuse to stop me from doing what I want.

    I'm uncrushable because I can do crazy hard yoga poses after almost a year of hard work.

    I'm uncrushable because I will NOT stop improving myself in all ways.

    I'm uncrushable because my kids are kickass little humans and I'm helping to guide them be uncrushable, too.

    I'm uncrushable because I've overcome sexual assault, physical and emotional abuse and I'm STILL seriously rad.

    I'm uncrushable because I'm me.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    MY GOD, YOU ARE ALL AMAZING!!! :heart:
  • itsclobberintime
    itsclobberintime Posts: 164 Member
    Why am I uncrushable?

    I have lived a hard life that only handfuls can relate to. I have been neglected, tormented emotionally, abused, and worse. I have faced deeply held fears and insecurities and realizd that fear only has power if you give it power. I have done both good things and bad things in life. Yet even at my lowest points in life, I have managed to dig deep inside of myself when I thought nothing remained and find found inner strength to hold on to and climb out of those holes.

    I have made and achieved many goals and continue to pursue the ones I haven't. I have been kind to those who have not been kind to me. I have given more than I have taken.

    I refuse to be broken and defeated. Because even when you are surrounded by darkness, light can always be found if you choose to look for it.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Why am I uncrushable?

    I have lived a hard life that only handfuls can relate to. I have been neglected, tormented emotionally, abused, and worse. I have faced deeply held fears and insecurities and realizd that fear only has power if you give it power. I have done both good things and bad things in life. Yet even at my lowest points in life, I have managed to dig deep inside of myself when I thought nothing remained and find found inner strength to hold on to and climb out of those holes.

    I have made and achieved many goals and continue to pursue the ones I haven't. I have been kind to those who have not been kind to me. I have given more than I have taken.

    I refuse to be broken and defeated. Because even when you are surrounded by darkness, light can always be found if you choose to look for it.

  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I'm uncrushable because I reversed my insulin resistance.

    I'm uncrushable because I live with Chiari Malformation and never let it become a crutch or excuse to stop me from doing what I want.

    I'm uncrushable because I can do crazy hard yoga poses after almost a year of hard work.

    I'm uncrushable because I will NOT stop improving myself in all ways.

    I'm uncrushable because my kids are kickass little humans and I'm helping to guide them be uncrushable, too.

    I'm uncrushable because I've overcome sexual assault, physical and emotional abuse and I'm STILL seriously rad.

    I'm uncrushable because I'm me.

    You are amazing. :heart:
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I am uncrushable because I have seen what happens when you let someone crush you. I have looked out from inside the box while the walls closed in and I was sure I would be crushed forever and soon forgotten.

    I am uncrushable because I broke through that box and it's iron bars. I crushed it before it crushed me.

    I am uncrushable because I live each day to the fullest and no one can take that from me.
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    I so love this!!!!

    I am uncrushable because I've undergone a schmillion surgeries, including one that ended my soccer career, but I've found a new love in strength training and yoga, not to mention an adventure race or two.

    I am uncrushable because I've battled stress-induced ED two times, as well as some recent disordered thoughts about food, and I'm focusing on eating protein, getting gains, and wearing a bikini despite my tummy and cellulite.

    I am uncrushable because my ex-husband left me, devastated, to basically raise an infant on my own. We've worked through it and are co-parenting, along with my husband, who is my best friend and absolute partner.

    I am uncrushable because I have such an amazing support group on MFP and in my "real life."

    Great idea--thanks for starting this thread!!
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I wish I could "like" every one of these posts... :heart:

    Thank you for sharing! You are all so inspiring!!!
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    MireyGal76 wrote: »
    I'm uncrushable because I reversed my insulin resistance.

    I'm uncrushable because I live with Chiari Malformation and never let it become a crutch or excuse to stop me from doing what I want.

    I'm uncrushable because I can do crazy hard yoga poses after almost a year of hard work.

    I'm uncrushable because I will NOT stop improving myself in all ways.

    I'm uncrushable because my kids are kickass little humans and I'm helping to guide them be uncrushable, too.

    I'm uncrushable because I've overcome sexual assault, physical and emotional abuse and I'm STILL seriously rad.

    I'm uncrushable because I'm me.

    You are amazing. :heart:

    I'm having one of those days and this totally turned it around. Thank you.
  • Ethos_
    Ethos_ Posts: 2
    Because no matter how hard you get knocked down, you pick yourself back up, and start again.
    JLDRKSJ Posts: 39 Member
    ❤❤ This!!!

    I am uncrushable because I will not let anyone suck the life out of me. The past is the past and I can now see the future.

    I am worthy and I deserve this!! It's finally my time and my weight is no longer a crutch and security blanket.

    With 20lbs gone and more to go.......
    I am uncrushable period.
  • itsclobberintime
    itsclobberintime Posts: 164 Member
    I love this thread. :)
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I love this thread. :)

    I do too! I'd like to see more!