what you weigh vs what you look like!!!

fattygirl31 Posts: 19 Member
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
Hiya peeps,

yes its me again ever struggling FATTYGIRL31...lol

Just wondering how much does your body shape mean to you,if you look in the mirror and your not too bothered by what you see

and you measure yourself and you've lost inches, do the numbers on the scales really still bother you!!!!

they really bother me!!!!!....LOOOOOL!!!


  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    scales bother me.... badly!!!

    only because i know my number used to be so much smaller, i won't be satisfied until my number drops below my pre-pregnancy number.

    and then i'm hoping i can start focussing on the shape and the look, although I do fear i'll never be satified, after 2 c-sections, i think my tummy will always be the thorn in my side.
  • chezmama
    chezmama Posts: 396 Member
    These things don't bother me, but what really bugs me is to see pictures of myself. I hardly recognize the fat old looking lady I see in those pictures. I don't see her at all when I look in the mirror, I don't understand that.
  • tmoran8403
    tmoran8403 Posts: 6
    NO! And it shouldn't bother you. If you look in the mirror and can you like what you see, then the number on the scale shouldn't bother you one bit. I believe you should keep yourself accountable once a week on the scale but the scale is not your enemy...it's telling you how your doing but only you will truly see your process. In your clothes...the mirror..etc.
  • CharityAngel
    CharityAngel Posts: 111
    I have to get my mind off the numbers because I am going into this knowing now that muscle weighs more than fat. I am trying to gain muscle, nice long lean muscle to burn all that fat for me! When I was in high school and I danced 3 hours a day, everyone thought that I was about 50 lbs lighter than I was. I never even tried to build muscle then, it happened a bit, but nothing like what I am working for now.

    If I continue to lose inches like I have (35.25 overall so far) and I look in the mirror and like what I see, I think I may throw my scale away.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I broke from the scale awhile ago. That number doesn't mean jack when it comes to weight loss because a scale doesn't know the difference between fat loss or lean muscles loss. If you are losing lean muscle are you happy because that number the scale shows is going down? I hope not.

    Read this. Its very informative.

  • reddcat
    reddcat Posts: 314 Member
    I am with you though Fattygirl. OBSESSED with the damn thing. I hear all those skinny ***** celebrity people saying "I don't own a scale". I always thought they were on crack. BUT, when I was doing Zumba three days a week, I was complaining because I did not lose hardly any weight and a lady in there said she only lost two pounds.....but was down two dress sizes. Maybe we need to back away from the cursed thing and see what everyone else is talking about.
  • fattygirl31
    fattygirl31 Posts: 19 Member
    Ok so I thought I was being a little obsessed with the scales and pretty much relying on them for my results ...it's nice to know I'm not the only one who has a problem....must say I do admire those of you who can weigh weekly or even twice,my daily weighing is kinda driving me nuts but I will refrain from weighing constantly...lol

    thanks for the responses!! Shall be re-posting if I manage to not weighin myself two days in a row!!....lol

    fattygirl31 xx
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    I rely on my scale but Im turning a corner and starting to realise that actually... weight is just a number and what my body really looks like is what matters!
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