Always hungry



  • kpw818
    kpw818 Posts: 113 Member
    I have similar issues. It could be that your activity level when you set your goals are off. Honestly, I went with a manual formula, and a couple of other calculators, and they all put me at about 200 calories more than what MFP set for maintenance. I averaged them all, set my goals custom (macros too) and have stopped entering my workouts to see how things fair. If I'm packing pounds after a couple weeks, I will adjust, but I'm really just trying to track nutrients and maintain my weight while I'm active.

    When you say exercise hard, what are you doing? I find that weight lifting makes me more hungry than running (unless it is the day after a long run). How much are you eating over what is prescribed?
  • leaso75581
    leaso75581 Posts: 103
    I can relate...s/t I get what I call an "Insationable hunger" in which NOTHING satisfies me...It seems like if I eat, the more hungrier I get...This happens most often during "that Time Of The Month". But I don't want to give into it...I'm learning to tell the difference between ACTUAL hunger and CRAVINGS... Ask yourself does it makes sense for you to be hungry right now? Learn to listen to your body and read your bodies cues.
  • leaso75581
    leaso75581 Posts: 103
    As Homer would say "From this day forward I will always be hungry again..." I love this quote...
    I could always eat and often feel 'hungry' I won't die and I know I am eating healthily and that another meal will be coming soon. It isn't the end of the world, I have a drink or a small low cal snack and do something to take my mind off it...

    Good Quote!! Great suggestion!