Ughhh...this is sooo frustrating!

Wow! I am sooo tired of this struggle. This is my second week "on program". I counted calories and added exercise...ONLY to see a 1.2 lb gain. I know that when I begin to exercise, I retain water...I thought I would counter that by drinking tons of water....still a dreaded gain. This is so mental. I know if I stick it out...the scale has to start moving in the right direction. I am trying to find other things to motivate me to keep going....but I am such a slave to the scale. This truly is a "battlefield of the mind".


  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member

    Yes it is a Battle but keep on with it.

    I've been reading "Made to Crave" by Lysa Terkerst. Check it out on Amazon. It is really helping me rethink my issues with food and other things.

    I hope you have a blessed day,

  • mak_101
    mak_101 Posts: 28
    That happened to me when I first frustrating. It took several weeks before everything kicked in and I saw a loss. Stay with it and keep focused on your goals.
  • countrymom1
    countrymom1 Posts: 125 Member
    Hi, you are absolutely right that it is a mental battle. I am reading a book called "The 4-Day Win - End Your Diet War and Achieve Thinner Peace." My doctor recommended it to me. I can't tell you a lot about it because I just started reading it, but, so far, the author is definitely talking about how it is mental, mental, mental!

    Good luck ... and hang in there!
  • jillcwhite
    jillcwhite Posts: 181 Member
    I understand the struggle ................I have been working on the weight for over a year & cant seem to get to my goal. I work out 6 days a week 1 to 2 hours. Eat under between 1200 - 1500 calories most days. I need to find the motivation to keep going. Hang in there! you are not alone - health is the big reward even if the scale number isn't where we want it.
  • staciekins
    staciekins Posts: 453 Member
    Are you keeping within calories? Are you eating your needed exercise calories? Try switching up your exercises. We need more than just cardio OR strength need BOTH to lose effectively...I learned that the hard way :) Message me if you need any help or whatnot. I am no "expert", but I know quite a bit.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member

    Yes it is a Battle but keep on with it.

    I've been reading "Made to Crave" by Lysa Terkerst. Check it out on Amazon. It is really helping me rethink my issues with food and other things.

    I hope you have a blessed day,


  • WomanofWorth
    WomanofWorth Posts: 395 Member
    Are you tracking your sodium levels? If not, I highly recommend it and set it at 1500 which is the new AHA recommendation. MFP says 2500, but they haven't yet adjusted it for the new guidelines. Also, if you're eating refined sugars and flours, they can contribute to bloating. Stick with natural sugars from fruits and veggies, whole grains, etc and you'll likely see things change. Also are you eating enough calories???
  • jentidd
    jentidd Posts: 80
    I know its frustrating, apparently our bodies want nothing more than to be FAT, well actually well fed, its hard to retrain a body to do something other than what its programmed to do! Definitely takes more than 2 weeks! Please just stick with it, I'm irritated with you, as well as many, many others. Try to recognize the other things you are accomplishing (NSVs non-scale victories) besides the lbs dropping. Measure you body, and see how its changing, take time to see that you are becoming more fit, and stronger with much more will power! Making lifestyle changes and better food choices. These are the things that will change your life so you can stick with your weight loss and not gain it back! We're here for you.