New to this app

Hey everyone, I'm new to this app and just noticed that not only is this app fitness based but social as well. I am from Peterborough Ontario and would love to gain a running buddy. I was a track and field star in high school but those days are long gone as I smoke now. I am trying to kick the habit and enjoy going on 5k runs daily, as well as I attend the Y. If anyone would be interested in joint me I'm sure I could keep up :)


  • Feel free to add me as a friend the more support the better
  • brewingPHX
    brewingPHX Posts: 284 Member
  • m7mdth
    m7mdth Posts: 46 Member
    Welcome .. it's good to know that horses watch for their diet .. or are you the girl ? ^_* .. LOL .. Welcome to the app .. actually today I showed my friend this app and we challenged each other who would loose 10 kg first ..

    you are welcome to join our challenge and enjoy the app