
Hi All! So I am a bit disappointed in myself. Last year around this time I was 10lbs away from my goal. A move and vacations thru me off track. Today I am 40lbs away from my goal. I've looked back at my logging to try to do what I was doing last year but my weight isn't budging. I am so frustrated! Pissed that I was so close!


  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    You need to get over being angry at yourself. That is not productive! As someone famous once said, "Give up all hope for a better past and move on!"

    How long have you been back at it? Are your expectations reasonable?
  • m7mdth
    m7mdth Posts: 46 Member
    I think you should enjoy the journey to your goal.

    What you did isn't that bad at all. If you almost reached your goal last year, you can do it.

    Your story is similar to mine.
  • jnunez79
    jnunez79 Posts: 2
    You're right! About two months on and off. For the most part I do pretty good. Knowing I was so close is so depressing though.
  • ayelizzie
    ayelizzie Posts: 20 Member
    Don't be down be upbeat that you have actually come back. I'm one week in and just logging everything I eat. Seeing the stats I have cut back on jam, butter and mayo, no candy and only one small bar of chocolate this week. I would start be eating as you do and recording that lets you see where the big cals are. You can do this that's why you are back. Good luck.