Newbie in the UK

hey, just a wee intro!
Katie from Scotland, UK!
I have struggled with weight ever since I can remember, used MFP for few years now and did successfully lose 6.5 stone! Managed to put on around 3 after hurting my back! I was a gym fanatic, going 6 mornings, now I am limited to 2 classes a week!
Looking forward to get to know a few folks perhaps and welcome friends for encouragement and support x x


  • kellie313
    kellie313 Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome Katie, I'm from Sussex down south, I'm looking for help and motivation so hopefully we could help each other x
  • Paula from Nottingham will help if u want to add me
  • jennaL126
    jennaL126 Posts: 15
    Hey Katie x I'm Jenna from London ... Feel free to add me for mutual support x
  • evelyn2103
    evelyn2103 Posts: 1 Member
    Feel free to add me also newish and looking for some Mfp buddies xx
  • casswright1
    casswright1 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm from just outside of Newcastle add me if you like xxx
  • rebelrach_h
    rebelrach_h Posts: 4 Member
    Oooo I'm Hertfordshire- would love some friends- to keep me motivated.
  • whitby91
    whitby91 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm Katie from Greater Manchester also looking for some support, lost half stone so far but got another 1 and a half to go. Feel free to add me an good luck to everyone on their goals :smile: x
  • maryluffo
    maryluffo Posts: 1 Member
    Mary from Massachusetts but originally from Essex. Hitting the dreaded years when I want to keep eating and the weight won't budge. Just started mfp. Looking for motivation. No willpower any more. I need people like you!
  • 1JoshG
    1JoshG Posts: 120 Member