Strength in Numbers

Hi! I have been trying to lose weight for a very long time. And lately, I have gotten to be bigger than I have ever been. My clothes don't fit me anymore. I can only wear things with elastic waistbands. I can't look at myself in the mirror. I know there are a lot of people out there who probably know what that is like, and I would really just like to create a thread where people can encourage and motivate each other. I know that is what I need more than anything. We are all beautiful people, trying to feel as beautiful as those who love us tell us we are. Motivational quotes are awesome. Personal success stories. Kind words of encouragement. All are welcome in this thread. Just please, no negativity. Hope to hear lots of wonderful things!
My quote for the week: "You have as many hours in the day as Beyonce."
Hopefully that will inspire some! I certainly get a kick out of it.


  • yhealthy2000
    yhealthy2000 Posts: 111 Member
    "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." ---Confucius

    So friend, start something now that will help your health and body, and do not stop. Do one thing good for yourself every day. Keep a list of all the good things you did. Look at it after a week... You will get motivated seeing what you did! You will slowly start to look and feel better...and that will motivate you to workout harder and eat better!!!!
  • vkmango4
    vkmango4 Posts: 160 Member
    I know how you feel...I just went through a bunch of before pics that I took from 2 1/2 years ago, but only not much has changed...nothing significant. However, one thing I give myself credit for is MY PERSISTENCE. So keep trying...DO NOT GIVE UP. From reading books, articles, mags about weight loss, I've learned that this is a process that is in no way perfect. You have to remember the reasons why you started this journey. Your WHY is very important because there will be good days and bad days. So give yourself credit for recognizing that a change is needed and reaching out for support.

    My quote for the week: If it's important to you, you'll find a way.
  • jacm79
    jacm79 Posts: 13
    Handle your business, or your business will handle you. -xhibit

    I worked with teens for a long time and would use that a lot. Maybe kind of corny, but really true. You don't watch your health, it's not going to take care of you!

    Kick some *kitten* everyone!
  • rljolley
    rljolley Posts: 3
    When the weather is nice, it is so much easier to want to be active. I hope everyone's weather is as beautiful as mine is here. I also hope everyone is keeping the allergies at bay and drinking lots of water to combat them and the heat.

    Loved all the quotes! Keep them coming. They make me want to work harder everyday.
  • purtyprincess360
    purtyprincess360 Posts: 11 Member
    I've always been over weight. I'm a major junk food eater. And as much as I hate to admit it, im lazy. So there went diet and exercise. I tried so many times to workout and I just gave up after a few days. As of three weeks ago, I started buying all fruits and vegetables and some of the special k chips for when I need salt or crunch. Once I was invested in my diet, I started doing the thirty day squat challenge. I'm proud to say I'm on day 19. It becomes fun I'm a way, you get to do it every night before you go to bed, it's not always you have to. I see results. Im a work in progress but the fact I'm seeing results, as subtle as they may be, it is the evidence I need to know, it takes time and persistence to see results. I am 22 years old and im medically obese. You couldn't tell by looking at me, but once I take of my clothes and look in the mirror, I shudder. We've all got great bodies under all the pounds. I could really use some support from the mfp community. I'm new and want to lose about 30 lbs. Add me!!