New to a real commitment

My name is Denise, and I am almost 46 years old. I weigh more than I have ever weighed before. I am 5' 2.5" and 155 lbs. My biggest motivation is to be healthy and active into old age. I want to be able to hike when I'm 70!

I've kind of tried in the past, and it didn't stick. This time is for good!

Thanks for listening,


  • kristenmullen75
    kristenmullen75 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Denise. My name is Kristen. Man it's so easy to put the weight and such a chore to get it back off! I've lost approximately 25 lbs. using MFP and exercising daily. It takes a lot of time, but don't get discouraged. Start with attainable goals and keep at it! You'll start to see progress. Add me as a friend. I could use some motivation and support, too!