Help, Any advise

Hi there , need some advise on ways I can take it easy on my ankles , being a track runner and playing basketball I have had injuries to my legs alot and have gone threw therapy and it didn't help so I just run and walk and pay for it later when I'm in pain. I have alot of muscle in my legs but my baby weight is all I'm really trying to loose. Seems like every time I work out I gain muscle and loose no fat. What can I do any advise ? I'm also new to this site feel free to add me and chat with me. Any advise how I can start... I'm really looking towards the right ways on loosing weight.


  • jmasci20
    jmasci20 Posts: 82 Member
    Phase you ever considered cycling? You sound like a good athlete so it would be easy to pick up. Nothing beats the calorie burn!
  • silverbeat
    silverbeat Posts: 2 Member
    I've found that applying heat to my ankle helps minimize the next-day pain that I get after a lot of high-impact activities. I have arthritis though so YMMV. Anything low-impact like cycling, elliptical, rowing, swimming would work well for you. You can look through the exercise database on mfp to see roughly how many calories you'll burn before you start doing it.
  • BiggyFuzz
    BiggyFuzz Posts: 511 Member
    edited March 2015
    Two things, first my jumper is better than yours
  • MattMMorrissey
    MattMMorrissey Posts: 14 Member
    I have bad knees and had to start doing "Twists", High to low and Low to High wood choppers on the cable machines. If you do enough weight for 12-15 reps and 4 sets you will work up one heck of a sweat. Plus it is a lot of core.

    I also will do a circuit with 10min on the bike then wood choppers then bike for 5min wood choppers...... repeat 5min intervals for 4-5 times.

    For this web site I found it better to put my meals in the day before and then I can adjust my carbs/fat/protein instead of just keeping track of what I eat.

    Hope this helps. Its worked good for me, down 31 pounds since the new year.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited March 2015
    A bit of a Long Winded Post

    For exercise My Physio-Therapist had recommended Swimming and it has been fantastic - no stress on the joints and a good cardio workout.

    Swimming is my normal major exercise but they were doing a major maintenance rebuild so the pool was going to be closed for at least a month maybe two. So I took up the C25K program - using my generic trainers. What a painful frustrating experience - feet hurt - toes hurt - you name it and it hurt.
    Went to a Running store and did a gait analysis and then tried on at least 8 pairs of shoes across different brands before settling on a pair. They even let me run on the treadmill with the shoes I was trying on. Which quickly ruled out 80% of the shoes
    My running took off. I broke the general plan of C25K in that I went from a painful 1 km to a comfortable 2 km and in 2 weeks time I knocked off my first 5 km ( ~ 45 mins - but it was 5 km ). Invest in the good Running shoes now and it will pay off. In the end if you drop running they are still there as a good power walking shoe so you will use them.
    After reading the comment of MeanderingMammal where he said "I circulate three pairs of road shoes to minimise transition effects as well" this is something that I will do so off to the store to buy more shoes.

    So as a track runner with leg injuries I ask have you had your Running Gait Analysed recently at a True Running speciality store? ( not foot locker etc ). The key word in the last sentence is Recently. As your body changes your running stride changes. My experience with Leg Injuries from running is that they are commonly caused by the wrong size/style of shoe.
    1) Research has shown that runners who actively rotate shoes are about 33% less likely to become injured. It takes shoes about 24-48 hours to fully "bounce back" to their pre-run cushion
    2) Running shoes change about once per year, and sometimes a model is completely eliminated. Running shoes pick the runner - when your shoe has found you, stock up.
    stackhsc wrote: »
    I get 350-450 km out of a pair, so about 4-6 months. I can go further on them but my legs quickly tell me when to change em out. The "old" ones are still great for yard work or wearing around daily use, just not for running. Kinda kills me to take a pair of shoes that still look brand new and turf em but it really does make a difference.

    Also I try to rotate them through so you are not making the jump from an old set to a new set... start wearing them alternatively at half way through their expected life, when one wears out replace that set. For me this seems to balance out, but I have heard others prefer the from scratch every time.

    Happy Feet = Happy Body = Happy Soul.

    Various Links to Differant Posts about Shoes for various cardio, strength training, running

    Go to this Link for a previous post of mine about Logging Accurately.