
Hi there! At this moment I'm overwhelmed about what I need to do to whip my butt into shape. I know I'm not motivated enough. My long term relationship has come with some long term weight. I feel lost. I feel depressed. I feel confused. One minute I swear I'm going to change and the next minute I'm eating a 1000 calorie bag or Doritos to myself. All I want to know is how did all of you motivate yourself to better yourself?

Thank you.


  • gantzgirl87
    gantzgirl87 Posts: 25 Member
    Lots of people here have problems with binge eating even after a long time at this. It's something we'll struggle with for a long time if we don't find ways around it. I try to only buy single serving sizes of the foods I know I tend to overeat, and if that's not possible, I stay away from the food for a while (don't buy it). If I still want that food, I'll buy it after like a week, and portion it out. Just find what works for you, and you'll get some great advice from others here as well. It's not just about changing your eating habits, it's about changing your mindset that there is no other option. You have to want to change. And it's okay if you mess up sometimes...tomorrow is a new chance. Good luck!
  • HAS415
    HAS415 Posts: 48 Member
    Try some Quest protein bars. Very satisfying and good for you. Or a nice salad. There are lots of healthy options if you have to splurge. And if you keep active along with eating healthy you can cut yourself a little slack. Good luck!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I started really slowly. I got sick of the same New Year's resolution every year. Finally I went with one I knew I could keep. 2 servings of veggies every day. How does this translate to dieting? Well, I started eating better, then the next step was one hour of exercise every week. I kept a log. I rented DVD' s from Netflix (by mail) which turned out great because it gave me time to figure out what I liked. I started building on the exercise and started logging food. For me it's about controlling snacks.

    You don't have to start big. You don't have to be drastic. Just make one change today, and continue to build on small successes. Consistency (not perfection) is the key. Good luck!
  • I get overwhelmed most days. I'm 30 & although I've been overweight most of my life, I've never gotten use to it. I'm determined to make small changes...just to do better than I did yesterday so that I can live. I want to have children & grow old with my husband. I can't be perfect, but I CAN & WILL do better. This app has helped a TON to be motivated. It helps me see the progress & remind me why I'm working hard.
  • Wow thank you everyone for your amazing advice. I'm so grateful that there are others in this community that can provide helpful advice for my situation. ❤️
  • Get a fitness track. That has been my salvation. Trying to reach my goal everyday, keeps me moving all day long. I recommend misfit. U can shower wIth out, swim etc never have to take it off and it syncs wIth your phone.
  • runfoorun
    runfoorun Posts: 314 Member
    I got sick of being sick. I had a 1 yr old baby and didn't want to be an obese diabetic dad. I still struggle, but small changes, small victories will add up. If you completely give up each time you try you'll never make progress. Start chipping away at it and before you know it, you're a success story.
  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hi there! At this moment I'm overwhelmed about what I need to do to whip my butt into shape. I know I'm not motivated enough. My long term relationship has come with some long term weight. I feel lost. I feel depressed. I feel confused. One minute I swear I'm going to change and the next minute I'm eating a 1000 calorie bag or Doritos to myself. All I want to know is how did all of you motivate yourself to better yourself?

    Thank you.

    It's not ideal, but even eating 1000 calorie bag of Doritos will not make you put on weight. It just means that you have to fit them into your daily calorie goal which will obviously seriously limit what else you can eat that day.

  • jcondeee
    jcondeee Posts: 72 Member
    I've always have had this issue but recently it worsened to a point I couldn't take anymore. I also came to the conclusion with doctors that my BC had much to do with my weight gain. I was using the deposhot since the time of originally recieving this shot til last month my weight was sky rocketing. It is always a good idea to think about this aspect because birth control may have this affect on some women. But on a good note! I changed this and have seen an improvement and less cravings and binge eatting. I started the Balanced Protein Diet, which is strict but worth it. My mother had tried this diet and lost close to 30 pounds in 7 weeks. This diet is all protein based and keeps you full and satisfied which has always been a battle for me. Looking at pictures that are completely dreadful to me are what motivates me. I also took the time to delete all the food instagram accounts that I was following and replaced them with work out and dieting ones. This has helped me get modivated!
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 721 Member
    Doritos are my weakness! We do have to learn to eat foods that we love in moderation. If you want Doritos then eat doritos, eating an apple or something healthy is not going to take away that craving. I tend to overeat on stuff that I really did not want instead of eating what i wanted in the first place. I never buy family bags of anything anymore. Single serving bags and only one at a time. I keep myself motivated by how I want to look in the pair of jeans and tank that are hanging on my closet door. I work out an extra 30 minutes if I know I am going to go over my calories. You can do it. Don't beat yourself up, this is a life style change and not a quick fix. Good luck