Get rid of all my belly fat

hi I'm Jess I've lost 20 pounds using this app and now I weigh 130 and I eat 1230 calories a day and workout and I wanna know how I can get rid of my belly fat I don't want to loose more weight


  • Thanks !!
  • smifi1983
    smifi1983 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi jess congrats
    In loseing that much weight I'm in same boat I have got a 4 pack but just struggling to get the last to bits lol I was wondering if we could help each other get thru this
  • fnoblebrown
    fnoblebrown Posts: 61 Member
    misspatho wrote: »
    Detox water. Dinner eat soap only. Dont drink water after or durong meals. Dont eat fruiy after meals

    That advice was all terrible. OP, you can't choose where fat comes off your body. If you're done losing weight then start working on your body composition with strength training. If you want to improve appearance in the meantime work on your posture.

    What she said.

    The belly fat is usually the last to go, but it *will* go.

    Your calorie intake is fine. Not sure what else you're doing, but I'd suggest moderate amounts of cardio, and I absolutely agree that the strength training is your best bet.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    LOL at detox water much NO

    Eat at maintenance and lift heavy weights for a slow recomposition

    Abs are down to body fat
  • Thanks you guys , I've been doing cardio for 30 mins 4 times a week and I also do lift weights so then just with time it will go away on its on then ?
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    Have you checked out this post stickied at the top of the General Weight Loss forum?

    So You Want a Nice Stomach