Why did you start using MFP?

i started using this app to get back in to shape! I played sports in school and was always an active person. Then in my 30's i began to workout less and drink more. I put on 20 pounds and had high blood pressure.

I started tracking my meals and workouts and have lost 13 pounds in about a year. I have a little more to go.


  • markzak26
    markzak26 Posts: 10 Member
    I've dieted my entire life! Or so it feels. Fallen off the wagon so many times.

    So I joined MFP and am now treating it as a lifestyle change instead of a "diet" and this time feels different.

    This time is different.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Because my PT suggested it in our first orientation meeting, and I thought I've been a member since 2012 but never really used it - might as well

    50lb down in 9 months, stronger, fitter, 20 years younger .. trying to get into maintenance mode

    It works when you commit (and obsess a little at the start)
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Stumbled on it last year, maybe doing some research. Saw it as a conveninet tool to track calories and so have been using it as part of my first ever diet. It makes keeping track easier and less of a chore. It helps with focus.
  • SimonCypher
    SimonCypher Posts: 254 Member
    I can't recall how I came across this site but I'm thankful that I did. I never used to track my food but since I have started doing so I've felt an extra push in reaching my goals.

    I've befriended some wonderful people who challenge and push me every day who I'm thankful for. I've also met one person in particular who I'm planning on meeting in a few weeks.

    Whilst I enjoy the tracking of food / exercise etc I also enjoy the social interaction of the site and enjoy seeing the success stories of others and them striving to their goals pushes me too.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Because nothing else worked.