How do I increase my burn if my hr is at 85% already?

Ok, I'm JEALOUS of a lot of people posting burns of 600-800 calories for 45-60 minutes of cardiovascular. I'm 41 and about 203lbs, so my max hr is like 180, and I've read I should aim for 85% of that for most cardiovascular, which would be 153. My most intense cardiovascular that I do is jogging 3 miles at a steady 4mph, which keeps my hr between 145-155 for the whole 45 minutes it takes me to do it. My hrm (polar ft4) says I burned about 400 calories for this. I'm breathing hard and can not carry on a conversation when I am running. I don't think I can push myself much harder, and don't think I should, so what are they doing that I'm not doing???? Any thoughts and/or support TOTALLY appreciated, thanks!


  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    I know exactly what you're talking about... I see some of my mfp friends that have high burns for the same amount I workout and I feel like Im working my butt to the max where Im huffin and puffin lol... and my burn is low compared to theirs. Some of them are way smaller than I am and still getting a good burn.. Im in the 180's. I thought the bigger you are the more you'll burn :/ Guess not haha. Im in the same boat hehe.
  • jame_104
    jame_104 Posts: 57 Member
    I have the same problem. I even have the same monitor... hmmm... I run 3 miles and my heart rate at certain points gets up to 170 and I still will only get a 340-350 calorie burn. Elipticles and cross trainers for get it... 30-45 minutes im really pushing, sweating like a mad woman it will register 200 - 250 calorie burn. It is very frustrating, however the weight is coming off. So right now I am dealing, but I do feel your frustration!
  • zeechick
    zeechick Posts: 3
    I'm at the 205lb mark and I find I get the most out of a 1 hr boot camp session (its ladies only, but extremely challenging). When I do a steady 45 min powerwalk and my heart rate stays at a fairly consistent (high) level, my burn is much much lower. Have you tried a mixed cardio and strength training workout? I think the key might be to keep your body doing different things, and have your heart rate constantly moving up and down. My hrm always shows a decent spike in my heart rate when I'm doing push ups and squats (even without weights). Plus, the more muscle you can build and tone, the more your body will least thats what I've read anyway! See if you can find a fitness class and change up your routine a little bit, and keep up the good work! :)
  • editz01
    editz01 Posts: 6
    are you jogging on a treadmill or at the gym. If your at the gym a precor elliptical will burn a ton more calories. I have read in fitness magazine, or Shape ( can't remember which) and it said that sprinting for about 1 to 2 min at 6 miles an hour then a brisk walk/jog at 3.5 or 4 miles an hour for a 5 min, then sprinting again, and repeating that for 30 min to an hour you will burn a ton more than jogging at 4mph the entire time. I have bad knees so i stick with the elliptical and i burn an average of 500 cal in 30min and i weigh 189 pounds. Also weight lifting or caring light weights 2-3 lbs while you walk help too. I hope I have helped you. Good luck dear. If it helps you I'm proud of you for working hard and losing weight this way. It's never easy, I know. I used to weight 250 lbs. Yoga, Elliptical, and weight lifting helped me lose 61 lbs. It can be done. You can do it ;) Be encouraged girl. I support you! ;)
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    Great job on running for 45 minutes!!!

    I suspect that many people aren't keeping their heart rates in their range.

    I would like to offer a suggestion, if I may.

    Working out for 45 minutes at 85% is exhausting. Even though you'll be running slower, and it won't feel like you're doing much for a little while, why not try training your heart to be really efficient at around 70%? You'll still be in the cardio range, and after a while, your heart will become more efficient at 70%,. You'll actually be able to run the same speed for longer without taxing your body as much. You'll become more efficient at burning calories, as well. You'll use more calories more efficiently.

    There are some ultra-marathoners whose heart rates never exceed 130 bpm. They train their hearts to be really efficient at a low heart rate. Their bodies are consuming calories like crazy, but their muscles don't get fatigued as quickly which helps them run further.

    Patience is key in weight loss. The more efficient your body becomes, the more calories you'll consume.

    Hope this helps!
  • misroz31
    misroz31 Posts: 17 Member
    I understand where you are coming from as well. When I started a little over 2 weeks ago, I weighed 180 pounds. I am doing turbo fire which is an extremely high intensity cardio kick boxing program. For a 30 minute session I was burning minimum of 5-600 calories easy. Your weight does matter but intensity does as well. You do high intensity then she brings your heart rate down. This goes back and forth throughout the workout. That is the difference in the burn. Long duration doesn't burn in that way because your heart rate is steady. I have lost 6 pounds so far and it's week 3. Sprinting will give the same effect. I started small. When I got tired I took a break. It is also good on stomach fat. I eat clean 90 % of the time and I eat what I want in the evening every night. This is what is working for me and I don't feel deprived. Good luck
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    First, you never know how accurate that information is. I sometimes question where some are getting their burn information - are they taking the numbers from a machine or are they using MFP's defaults or are they using a HRM. Anyway - just something to think about when seeing those high numbers.

    Aside from that, how long have you been doing this? Your body will get very efficient at something and you need to change it up in order to get the same benefits out of it. Maybe try something different for a while. Try increasing the intensity by doing intervals instead of steady pace. Or switch to the elliptical if it's available (before I could run consistently at least 6 MPH, I burned way more on the ellpitcal in the same time). If you are doing this outside, chose a different route that has some hills (or use the incline on a treadmill - you can really crank those suckers up for a minute and then bring it back down). You may just need to find some way to chagne things up. Do you like DVDs? I have some that I really love (Cathe Intensity and The Firm Advanced Cardio Blast and The Firm 500 Calorie Workout).

    You should do some reading on interval training. From what I understand, it's a much more efficient workout and there are so many benefits to it (you also get to do shorter workouts). Something to consider anyway. That's what I've been doing for cardio, and I tell you that after 20-30 minutes (1 min on/2 min recover), I feel like I worked just as hard or harder than when I did my 60 minute steady pace cardio (and I pushed hard to maintain a high intensity the whole time) - and I'm pretty sure my afterburn is way higher cuz I can feel it!

    Good luck!!
  • ysamatar
    ysamatar Posts: 484 Member
    Bump! Very interesting info.
  • Cougarsuz
    Cougarsuz Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks! I'm definitely going to try that!