Fed up! am I doing it wrong?

helP! I have been on mfp for 17 days I have really stuck to it counting everything I've been really strickt with myself , I walk about 30 mins twice a week and also have a 2 year old so constantly running around after her , I have lost one pound it really makes me fed up when people lose 2-3 pounds per week, ami doing something wrong Any help would be much appreciated , thanks


  • mastodon14
    mastodon14 Posts: 10 Member
    Need help just ask. aim for 0.5 lbs per week is safer
  • naomidavies
    naomidavies Posts: 11 Member
    I just feel like I'm getting no where? Do you think I need more water ?
  • Really hard to tell not seeing your dairy. Are you eating to much or to little? Do you weigh your food? Weight loss is not linear, maybe your expectations are not realistic.
  • naomidavies
    naomidavies Posts: 11 Member
    I have 1200 cals per day Sorry how can I be able to show you my diary ?
  • jcondeee
    jcondeee Posts: 72 Member
    Everyone is different, which stinks because some people lose weight like nothing! I recently had the same issue as you were. It was so frustrating to see myself try to behave as much as I could bare and thinking I did great that week, jump on a scale and see NO results. I also have a young daughter and it seems like I am never stopping! I decided to join planet fitness! It was a great idea and although, I was heistant in spending the money, I am so happy with the choice. They have great instructors and free training with a trainer. It's a "No Judgement Zone" and I really felt that way and was glad because I had no idea what I was doing at the gym. I also started a new diet, it is called the Balanced Protein Diet. There is also a diet very simlar called the Ideal Protein Diet but the prices are much more. Great Results! I lost 2 pounds in one week and it is amazing. Sometimes our bodies get use to the same thing everyday and we plateau. Keep the faith!
  • Really hard to tell not seeing your dairy. Are you eating to much or to little? Do you weigh your food? Weight loss is not linear, maybe your expectations are not realistic.

    This ^

    From your ticker, you have about 50lbs to lose so 0.5lb-1lb a week might be a more realistic expectation. Even then, you're not going to lose exactly 1lb every week. Your body doesn't know how much it should be losing according to your expectations. Sometimes you'll lose nothing, other times you'll lose more than you think.

    Also, if you open your diary we may be able to help with advice on logging.
  • naomidavies
    naomidavies Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks my diary is open , I have cut out all the bread changed to brown all the fizzy drinks all the bad stuff I just feel like am getting no where with this
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    helP! I have been on mfp for 17 days I have really stuck to it counting everything I've been really strickt with myself , I walk about 30 mins twice a week and also have a 2 year old so constantly running around after her , I have lost one pound it really makes me fed up when people lose 2-3 pounds per week, ami doing something wrong Any help would be much appreciated , thanks

    You're not accurately tracking what you eat or your activity level, chasing around a child for 4 seconds isn't exercise, neither is going and picking him or her up. Either reduce your calories or increase your activity level.

    The people losing 2-3lbs a week are doing allot more or eating less that is why, there is no secret.
  • naomidavies
    naomidavies Posts: 11 Member
    My calories are already at 1200 do I need to reduce them more than that or maybe chase my child round for 8seconds rather than 4???
  • I can also say that being female may have something to do with it as well....depending on where you are at in your cycle your weight could fluctuate due to bloating, water retention, etc. I know someone who is 6 pounds heavier during her period! I was having the same problem you were (not losing as much as I thought I should be) so I have stayed off the scale. If you are eating healthy and working out weight loss will follow :smile: Keep up the good work and I'm sure the pounds will come off!
  • jcondeee
    jcondeee Posts: 72 Member
    Some posters are going to be rude! Just ignore them and listen to the posters who are trying to encourage you and help you! Sometimes you may need to decrease your calories to see results. I was originally 1250 but now I'm at 800- 1000 for this diet. It's really tough but it shows results.
  • naomidavies
    naomidavies Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks maybe that could be my problem it could be round about that time of the month, also
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Thanks my diary is open , I have cut out all the bread changed to brown all the fizzy drinks all the bad stuff I just feel like am getting no where with this

    I can't see your diary?

    17 days is not much, you need to give it more time. As well as stepping on the scale make sure you measure yourself too (waist, hips, boobs etc) because sometimes loss shows on the tape measure faster than on the scale.

    How tall are you, what do you weigh, and what do you want to weigh? 1200 calories seems a little restrictive.

    Make sure you're accurate in your logging or you may be overeating.

    Lol at the poster who says chasing a child round isn't exercise. I have three (5, 3 and 10 months) and I rarely sit still. I find my Fitbit chart funny because I am constantly on the move. I can't drink a cup of coffee without getting up about 5 times. I also walk a lot with them...the school run for my eldest, walks on the seafront (the big two have scooters), trips to the beach/park/soft play etc.

    That being said, my biggest calorie burns are from the gym. I usually go 5/6 times a week. I also weigh my food and eat 1500-1600 calories per day, and I lose.
  • jcondeee
    jcondeee Posts: 72 Member
    Yes! I always have terrible cravings and bloat! Keep positive! I also started going to see a nutrion store in my area and they are so helpful! Maybe there is one around you? Have you also gotten your blood taken? After pregnancy our bodies are a mess and develope other issues like thyroid issues!
  • sugaraddict4321
    sugaraddict4321 Posts: 15,836 MFP Moderator
    Give a quick double-check. I just viewed now and your diary is still private. First piece of advice - give yourself a break! You're a busy mom and you've just started this process. It's not a race and it's going to take a bit of time. Yes, some folks lose 2-3 pounds in a week. Lucky them! I'm not one of them and I decided to stop comparing myself because what other people lose has zero real impact on my life. I refuse to feel bad about myself because some random person on the internet lost more weight than I did. ;)

    As birdie said, weight loss is not linear. Your weight can fluctuate up or down by 5 pounds per day depending on how much you've consumed and the last time you had a bowel movement (sorry, it's true). If you're losing slowly those losses can be masked for a while by the daily fluctuations. You'll probably have to play with your consumption and macros until you find a good fit that helps you see more consistent losses on the scale. Open up your diary and more comments will come in. :)

    One last bit - take your measurements now and then about once a month. You'll be glad you did when you can compare the new you vs. the old you. :) Sometimes you'll see changes in inches and not in pounds.
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    My calories are already at 1200 do I need to reduce them more than that or maybe chase my child round for 8seconds rather than 4???

    Yes exactly, you are not active enough or are eating to much. I would suggest real exercise and I wouldn't be counting "chasing child" as a workout or cardiovascular activity.

    Also you might not be accurately tracking those 1200 calories, I believe I mentioned that you might have missed it.

    I'm not trying to be rude, it's math
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    Giving up after 17 days - what great thing has ever been accomplished in only 17 days? I don't think you're giving yourself enough credit. You are here, so that is the first step and unfortunately, it doesn't happen over night. How long did it take you to get your current weight? It's going to take hard work and dedication to get back to where you want to be, maybe as long as it took to get where you are now. Think about it this way, 1 pound in two weeks is equal to 26 pounds in a year. That's 104 sticks of butter!!! Stick with it, be honest with your diary and you'll start to notice the results.
  • jasonraygagnon
    jasonraygagnon Posts: 86 Member
    Yup, most of the posters are correct. Make sure you accurately track every morsel of food you consume, and drink a lot of water. If you bite off half of the cracker before you give it to your child, make sure you track it. Also, verify the calories in the MFP database yourself. There is a lot of incorrect information.
  • naomidavies
    naomidavies Posts: 11 Member
    When I had my daughter I put on 5 stone I think a lot of it was water as I lost 2 stone as soon as I gave birth , hoping to loose a stone by July for my holidays I'm not giving up this time !
  • sugaraddict4321
    sugaraddict4321 Posts: 15,836 MFP Moderator
    edited March 2015
    jcondeee wrote: »
    ...I was originally 1250 but now I'm at 800- 1000 for this diet. It's really tough but it shows results.

    Please don't do this long-term without the supervision of a doctor and a nutritionist. Not just some sales clerk at a health-foods store. Most people your age need more than that to live in a coma, much less function normally with school, jobs, etc. You might see amazing results now, but you don't want to damage your metabolism and gain it all back when you try to go to maintenance, right? You're young and I say kudos to you for trying to take control now. Just do it the right way for your long-term health. :)

    Edit to add - Do verify some of the entries before using them. Your diary lists a chicken breast weighing 77 grams as having 35 grams of protein. This is wrong. It's not your fault, as you probably just picked something from the list. A 100 gram chicken breast actually has only 23 grams of protein so a 77 gram breast would only have 17.7 g of protein. Basically half of what you think you consumed. ;)