Looking for positive friends who are serious about reaching their goals!

I'm looking for a handful of really positive people who are serious about this journey... who will encourage me as I encourage them. I've never been more determined and serious about changing my life and becoming the best person I was created to be. I believe everyone needs motivation and support, especially when facing challenges. I say let's take advantage of this amazing community and reach our goals!


  • lodiloohoo64
    lodiloohoo64 Posts: 60 Member
    Hello! Love your user name. Though I am not new here, I am newly back. Let's be fiends!
  • HellooooSunshine
    Thanks! I appreciate the add! I will do my very best to offer you encouragement and support, and I will appreciate any you have to offer to me as well! Have a great day! :)
  • ayelizzie
    ayelizzie Posts: 20 Member
    Hi add me if you want. I have just passed the one week mark and reached my goal of 2lb. I am happy to encourage and support but not compete. If you can add me I am sure I will find you, I have no idea how to add you. Happy journey.
  • ThatGirl_1968
    ThatGirl_1968 Posts: 47 Member
    Hello Ladies
    I'm not new to mfp and have reached my goal weight only to slide back again. I am trying to expand my circle of mfp friends. I think adding a social aspect to using this site will encourage me to continuously check in, offer support and keep me on track. My profile is open and would be happy to have you both as friends.
  • HellooooSunshine
    Thank you, ayelizzie! I will definitely add you! And I agree with you, ThatGirl_1968... a network of support always helps! I will be happy to have you both as friends to encourage and support each other! :) Thank you for reaching out!
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 722 Member
    Hello all!! I am always looking for support and motivation. I am not new here but this is the first time that I have added friends and I love the support that I have received. I find myself chatting, reading posts and success stories that sometimes I forget to log my food and exercise! LOL Feel free to add me
  • crittergirl222
    crittergirl222 Posts: 120 Member
    edited March 2015
    I, too, am not new (hey, that even rhymes!). I've been back at it for a couple of months and am loving the new lifestyle, but it sure would be nice to have some folks to support me on this journey . Avid runner, animal lover, and I do have kids but they have four legs and fur. Let's do this!!!!
  • lilig81
    lilig81 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I hope you don't mind but I've added you all as friends. I've been really good with my weight loss so far (5kgs/10.3lbs in 5 weeks), but I know it's only a matter of time before things start to change and the wagon starts to wobble. I've got a wedding to go to in September and I'm desperate to get into my dress that I bought 3.5 years ago before I fell pregnant! I've got at least 10kgs/22lbs to go so hope that you're all willing to keep me going as much as I am willing to keep you going...
    I have 4 babies - 2 human 2 furry - much love xx
  • 44Janet2017
    44Janet2017 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi. Please add me if you like. I am very serious about making huge changes in my life and getting healthy is at the top
  • jessicagilb
    jessicagilb Posts: 69 Member
    *raises hand* You can add me, anyone can add me. I'm interactive on mFP, lost 20+lbs so far.
  • labeastette
    labeastette Posts: 82 Member
    edited March 2015
    Just sent you a request! Down 7 pounds and counting! :)
  • marinamclaren606
    marinamclaren606 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello girls :), I'm looking for some friends to support me through this life change, I'm looking to loose 2stone about (28 pounds) (I've managed to drop 2 dress sizes over the last 6 months and I want to get fitter by jogging / running, everyone in my life is a little larger I'm finding it hard to keep on carrying on so I just need support from like minded people who I myself will be more that happy to encourage.
    Feel free to add me :)
  • sophieeef
    sophieeef Posts: 10 Member
    Hello guys I am adding all of you above me, and I hope everyone who posts after adds me too!

    I have been faithfully recording my food diary on here since around november and I am only just entering the community side :smile: I would love a few more active friends on here to bounce energy with!
  • clairgoswell
    clairgoswell Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I am newly back to this and signed up to jane plan group and tracking my food on here I need some encouragement and would love to build a network of friends that we can support each other to get to our goals!! I need to look 4 stone so would be great to build up our network
  • GeeGee_D
    GeeGee_D Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all im new to mfp. Ive been using another site which was great but a recent major mess up within the site has cause the forums to have a totally different vibe and I dont feel its necessarily for me anymore. Ive heard great things about this site and thought I would give it a try. I believe a great support group is crucial in this weight loss journey. Anyone looking for the same thing please add me.
  • DesertMimi
    DesertMimi Posts: 5 Member
    Hello, I have been using MFP since November, but have not been active in the community. I have lost about half of the weight. Please add me.
  • princesspinkpaw
    I have been using MFP for a good year now! I lost a stone last year for my wedding and now I'm maintaining would welcome more positive friends as some of mine have dropped off recently.
  • Msmall124
    Hi! I am newly back to mfp after eating EVERYTHING this past year! I miss feeling the way I did when my choices were better so I've been back for about two weeks. I never even realized there was s social aspect to this app since I only used it for counting calories, but I'm do excited to find others to interact with!! I have no idea how to "add" people, but I'll try and figure it out and add you folks, and please add me too! Let's support each other and have fun :D
  • Lizzy1024
    Lizzy1024 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone. I am semi new here, keep coming and going. Would love to have some support and also support others. Together we can all achieve our goals :) .
  • thebigman21
    thebigman21 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm looking for a handful of really positive people who are serious about this journey... who will encourage me as I encourage them. I've never been more determined and serious about changing my life and becoming the best person I was created to be. I believe everyone needs motivation and support, especially when facing challenges. I say let's take advantage of this amazing community and reach our goals!

    Hi looking for friends for motivation, I started at 330 lbs and lost around 44 lbs so far in the past couple of months, my diary is open and updated every day, it's good to get encouragement and share the journey, feel free to add :smile: