Just binged on ice cream :((

Ok Im new to these forums and I understand there are probably a million posts like this but I'm on 1570/cal a day and this morning I had my usual nutritious breakfast around 600 calories. Then came lunch and I usually go out and get something healthy for lunch and then today we brought in an ice cream cake for someone and I'm ashamed to say I ate enough ice cream equivalent of 600 calories!

I didn't have any lunch though and I currently have 200 calories left for the day. Is it better just to have a light snack for dinner and keep my goal? Or will all that ice cream make me fat?


  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    edited March 2015
    If you have 200 calories left try and eat a 200 calorie evening meal. If it's impossible, try to keep it as low cal as possible and then forgive yourself. Tomorrow is another day. It's very easy to do what you've done and life is short so I hope you enjoyed it! Next time, have 100cals of ice cream cake so you can have a lunch and dinner!
  • francesca5253
    One little slip won't harm you. If you are feeling bloated have a light snack for dinner. It you go slightly over your calorie count either just accepte it or do bit of light exercise to compensate for it. The important thing to remember is one little binge won't harm you once in a while, it's if you are continually eating ice cream cake every single day it will make an impact.
  • chaotic2h
    chaotic2h Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks...but calories are calories? Even though most of these calories are from saturated fats and sugars my body still suffer because of it?
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Even if you ate a small dinner of 400 calories.....you would very likely still be at a deficit for the day. So what if you don't have as big of a deficit as planned. You can go for a walk....earn some of those calories back if you feel you need to. But, in the larger scheme of things you haven't undone everything because of one moment of weakness. We all do that.

    Move on, do better tomorrow.
  • mlpettit
    mlpettit Posts: 15 Member
    The best thing you can do is forgive yourself and just keep trying. If you don't forgive yourself, you're more likely to sabotage yourself more.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    chaotic2h wrote: »
    Thanks...but calories are calories? Even though most of these calories are from saturated fats and sugars my body still suffer because of it?

    If you ate like this all the time....then it's unhealthy. Losing weight doesn't require clean eating (whatever that is) .....it just requires a deficit of calories. When you reduce calories it's best to make those calories count so you can get all your nutrients. Don't worry about one meal here...one meal there.
  • JohnBarth
    JohnBarth Posts: 672 Member
    Log it and move on. Don't mess up your dinner if you had something reasonable.

    If possible, try to remember how you felt when you were eating it. What caused you to stray from your plan?

    Slip ups will happen. Understanding the reasons and avoiding them if possible will make them fewer and further between in the future.
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    edited March 2015
    chaotic2h wrote: »
    Thanks...but calories are calories? Even though most of these calories are from saturated fats and sugars my body still suffer because of it?

    You might be a little hungrier later than if you had eaten 600 calories of protein, whole grains, and unsaturated fat. But one meal of junk food (and let's be honest, 600 kcal isn't even a pint of Ben&Jerry's, that's no "binge") isn't going to give you Overnight Diabetes or turn you into a human balloon. You *might* see some water weight on the scale tomorrow if you weight daily; you might not. But it won't be fat gain. From the standpoint of weight loss and gain, yes, calories are calories.
  • sundevil17
    Looking at some foods the way you are is a form of disordered eating. That was in no means a binge... and this is coming from somebody who is recovering from bulimia nervosa. Eating something unhealthy is not bad by any means. What kind of life would someone be living if they were afraid of foods that they enjoy? Getting healthy is all about lifestyle changes. It's not about eating within the parameters of a super strict diet for the rest of your life and being miserable.
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    In the future, you either budget unexpected calories in or just don't eat them. I get offered office treats ALL.THE.TIME. Just politely accept, take a bite, and throw the rest in the trash when no one is looking.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    That's not a binge. Bingeing involves feeling out of control and (typically) a lot more than 600 calories. What you did was eat some ice cream. Do some extra exercise and move on.
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    When I have a moment like that I enjoy my treat, log it and get back to business tomorrow =)
  • biscuits2003
    biscuits2003 Posts: 3 Member
    My psychiatrist has told me . . . Ben & Jerry's . . .or an Ativan - the brain does not know the difference. And you can always lose the weight. You needed it at the time . . . binge or not . . . and we all need treats - or yes . . the Oreo cookies come in a single serving package for me :-)
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    You're a 19-year-old man, on 1570 calories a day, and are having this much anxiety over 600 calories of ice cream? Something doesn't add up. Either you're trolling (I hope, for your sake) or you have a really unhealthy relationship with food. If it's the latter, you should see someone about it before it gets worse.
  • biscuits2003
    biscuits2003 Posts: 3 Member
    Ice cream or cheescake does not make you fat . . .trending more calories in than out does. Maybe next time go for a quick walk to make it feel "even " for you . .
  • _QueenE_
    _QueenE_ Posts: 459 Member
    edited March 2015
    Tomorrow is a new day. Log it and move on. :)
  • _QueenE_
    _QueenE_ Posts: 459 Member
    A walk is a great idea.
  • PurdueGuy2001
    PurdueGuy2001 Posts: 22 Member
    I agree with everything said here! I'm on a 1,000/day deficit (2lb/week). It can be tough, but achievable.

    Personally, nothing for me is really off-limits, I just fit it into the daily budget. And some days I don't make it, but I usually do.

    I look at it this way:
    1) If I hit my calorie goal for the day, great!
    2) If not, even if I eat my *entire* deficit for that day, I'm still at my maintenance level, and I've delayed my end goal by one day.

    Given that I've been at this for 7 months (including my birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, 2 weddings, and 2 international trips) and I've still averaged better than 1.5 lbs/week, I think it's ok. I have considered dropping my goal to 1.5lb/week, but for the short term, I decided to leave it at 2lb/week to give me something more to strive for.