Open for Suggestions

Hello my name Rebecca. I'm new to the group. I live near Houston, Texas. I need to lose 100 pounds. I'm here to learn what tools are available. Any suggestions are welcome. I don't know what will work for me. I just know what doesn't work. At this point, I'm willing to try anything. Thanks!


  • wathjo1
    wathjo1 Posts: 106 Member
    Meal prep. ADD VEGGIES. Watch drinking calories and the amount of condiments you consume.
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    Use the food diary...get religious about tracking everything you eat and drink (including condiments!). Weigh regularly for accountability and to celebrate results! Use the calorie guidelines MFP gave you as a starting point. Good luck!
  • mzfinnel
    mzfinnel Posts: 2
    Tracking,tracking and track some more. Bevome more aware of calorie intake. Read all labels. Good luck!!
  • katsmo
    katsmo Posts: 219 Member
    Hi, Rebecca. Feel free to friend me if you want. What has helped me is to first get my food in order. Then I worried about adding regular exercise to the mix. Good luck!
  • gdljjj
    gdljjj Posts: 10 Member
    Weigh food with a scale and log everything, and I've found that more protein (compared to my previous carb-heavy diet that helped me gain all this lovely weight) helps keep me full longer so I'm not as tempted to snack and can eat the fewer calories needed to be at a deficit. I also learned to knit, so at night if I'm watching tv it really cuts down on the urge to eat just cuz I am bored.
  • hectorjavierlopez
    Substitute junk food with healthier options & learn how to cook meals from scratch (I use youtube you can search "healthy recipies" etc.) And just keep in mind it's going to take a while to notice and just keep going strong if you believe you can do it !
  • ErikThaRed
    ErikThaRed Posts: 139 Member
    weigh your food as much as possible and track based on that. Try to avoid generic food entries that others have loaded into the database. Tracking EVERYTHING is the best way to gauge what you are taking in and putting out.
  • beertrollruss
    beertrollruss Posts: 276 Member
    Log your food at the beginning of the day and look up good food options before going out to eat. Failing to plan is planning to fail.
  • EasyBakeOven
    EasyBakeOven Posts: 29 Member
    Read this post and bookmark it clicking the star on the right side of the posts title. It will give you a good idea on how to get started. Good luck!
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    edited March 2015
    Get a good food scale. You will be surprised on how much you're actually eating! Focus on logging first and get a baseline for where you are now. That will help decide where and what you need to cut or limit, making it easier to plan for the future.

    Also, what worked for me was starting small. My first step was to replace soda when eating out with iced tea with Equal. That cut 200-300 calories out of my day just with that, and I like tea with Equal, so I didn't feel deprived. Once I got used to that, I start finding other things to cut, limit, and substitute. It's not a perfect system and I do have off days, but it is working for me. That's another piece of advice, actually. Find what works for YOU. Feel free to ask others what they did and get ideas, but you'll have to experiment because what works for others might not be feasible or work for you. This is not a diet, it's a lifestyle change, so you need to find something that will work long-term.
  • MYhealthyjourney70
    MYhealthyjourney70 Posts: 276 Member
    wathjo1 wrote: »
    Meal prep. ADD VEGGIES. Watch drinking calories and the amount of condiments you consume.

    meal prep has been a huge help to me.. no excuses for eating junk if food is prepped up.. good luck on your journey.. feel free to add me..
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    Read this post and bookmark it clicking the star on the right side of the posts title. It will give you a good idea on how to get started. Good luck!

    I was going to say this! This post really gives you the best advice I've seen on myfitnesspal.

  • hezemakiah
    hezemakiah Posts: 157 Member
    I log everything as I go and that works for me. But I am very mindful of my calorie intake as the day goes on and stay within my limits. If I'm over, I do a bit more exercise than usual to make up for it. I have lots of friends who log everything at the start of the day and that works for them. You have to find what works best for you. Weigh and measure your food faithfully and stay within your limits and you will see results. I use both the PC version and the phone app of MyFitnessPal. And remember, patience is a virtue as far as weight loss goes! Best wishes!