No energy!

taysheffield96 Posts: 3
edited March 2015 in Food and Nutrition
I am new to the app. I have been using it for about a week and I have much less energy than before. I am eating 1400-1500 a day and working out 30 min four times a week. Any advise to boost energy?


  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Is there a reason for working out 4 times a day? Are you eating back some of those exercise calories?
    My guess is that you're not properly fueling your body.
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    PaytraB wrote: »
    Is there a reason for working out 4 times a day? Are you eating back some of those exercise calories?
    My guess is that you're not properly fueling your body.

    this. you have to fuel the fire if you want it to burn.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Did you mean 4x a day or 4x a week? Because there's a big difference in how much you need to eat in order to fuel each.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Whats the reason for doing 4x a day? Depending on what you are doing then you probably arent eating enough if you arent eating back some of those calories. 30 minute workouts you cna normally get by not having to specifically fuel for so it depends what you are doing.

    To boost your energy during a workout its wise to have eaten some complex carbs c1hour beforehand and you also need to be hydrated. Banana and some water. There are tons of articles on snacks you can eat.
  • JessieLMay
    JessieLMay Posts: 146 Member
    If its 4xs a day, you need to eat more. It sounds like you are burning too many calories.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    MFP as designed gives you a calorie deficit BEFORE exercise. So let's say you eat 1400 and exercise for 150+150+150+150 (600).....this is like giving your body 1400 less 600 calories......or 800 calories to work with. No wonder you have no energy.

    If you don't fuel your workouts with will lose much more lean muscle mass than you intend to. Your body will get it's daily requirements somewhere. Losing fat+muscle is not a good look. Workouts should help you maintain lean muscle (but muscle needs fuel).
  • neaneacc
    neaneacc Posts: 224 Member
    Are you balancing your food well? I know this sounds weird, but having snacks and meals that contain a balance of fat, protein, fiber, and carbs will keep you full and energized. Like if I'm going to eat a banana or an apple I spread some peanut butter on it. The combination is filling and will last longer than most prepackaged foods (ie. snack bars or vending machine junk). Normally I start my day with eggs and add a veggie to make it more rounded. Also, make sure you are drinking enough water as dehydration can really make your body fatigued.
  • slucki01
    slucki01 Posts: 284 Member
    OP said she was working out 4x a week, not 4x a day
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    you have probably changed a lot of your eating habits in this last week. probably eating less sugar and carbs, which would give you boosts in energy.

    carbs are good for you, especially early in the day when they can give you more energy.
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    I agree..I was sticking to 1200 gross calories, did fine for awhile, but then started to burn out and had zero motivation to exercise, and zero energy for anything. I upped my calories and right away, my energy has come back. But now, because I have that energy to workout again, Im still only netting 1200 calories.

    All the while, Im consistently losing weight, but I want to be able to work out and not feel lethargic. Im going to be upping my calories again, and Im guessing Ill have still yet more energy, to be able to put even more into my workouts and burn that off too. It's a learning process.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    slucki01 wrote: »
    OP said she was working out 4x a week, not 4x a day

    It's been edited without comment to make those of us asking for clarification look like fools. Classy.
  • JessieLMay
    JessieLMay Posts: 146 Member
    slucki01 wrote: »
    OP said she was working out 4x a week, not 4x a day

    She must have edited it. It originally said 4 times a day.

  • takala2015
    takala2015 Posts: 3 Member
    I am just starting week 3 myself, 6.5 lbs down and 45 to go. Week 1 was the worst for me, very low dips in energy, but after that I actually saw an increase in my energy. I am eating more fruits and veggies and less starches, and a protein 3x a day. Only refined sugars are 1 tsp in my tea in the morning and once a day in my special k pastry crisp. What got me through week 1 was candy...yup, candy! If my blood sugar was down (0 energy, brain fog) slowly sucking 1 piece of candy would be enough to get me through at least the next hour, in some cases to my next meal.

    Stick with it, make sure you balance complex carbs and protein, stay away from refined sugars and starches and I bet you will see an improvement soon.
  • kayeiam
    kayeiam Posts: 215 Member
    can you open your food diary so we can see what kinds of foods your eating and how much in carbs/protein etc. If your not getting much in protein, that too will make you tired/weak feeling.
  • kpw818
    kpw818 Posts: 113 Member
    I'd be curious on if the OP is logging exercise calories or not.

    Likely not enough fuel/not proper fuel for the workouts, depending on what she is doing.

    Experienced similar things, went to other sources for maintenance calorie count. MFP underestimates what I need.