new looking for friends with fitbit to motivate and challenge

Hi I've had mfp for a while but never used it properly. I've recently purchased a fitbit and am keen to link the 2 and actually lose the weight I need too. I really struggle to motivate myself and think the competitive streak in me along with a group to work with will really work well with fitbit and mfp. Would anyone be interested in joining me? My email is if anyone would like to add me as a fitbit friend. :-)


  • rhirhi715
    rhirhi715 Posts: 13
    hi i bought a surge today...very excited about it! il add you :)
  • leanne2389
    Got a few friends now but not many would anyone else like to add me?
  • SamanthasFitnessLog
    SamanthasFitnessLog Posts: 56 Member
    My name is Samantha; I don't walk much (desk job and I mostly lift weights) but I'd LOVE to have some buddies on Fitbit! My URL: //
    Anyone lurking, feel free to add me on FB or MFP (: