Tackling my tummy! Tips guys? Lost a stone and a half so far!

Hello everyone!

I started my diet just under 2 months ago. I was 12 stone 10 and now I'm 11 stone 3.

Despite losing a stone and a half in weight, I still feel like my tummy hasn't changed that much. A lot of people have noticed that I've lost some weight, but I just don't feel like it's shifting?!

I'm 5 foot 9, and I try to stick to a 1,200 calorie diet per day. I try to do at least 20-40 minutes walking a day, and I used to go to the gym twice a week for an hour. Well, that was until whilst using the treadmill that I noticed this terrible pain in my right hand side hip. I stopped the gym for a week, tried it again and it came back!

I haven't been to the gym for the past couple of weeks, due to this. If I walk for around 20-30 minutes or more, I tend to get this niggling pain around my hip area. I really hope that I haven't caused permanent damage, or unearthed a nasty can of worms for that matter. :(

Clothes are starting to fit me again - so I must have lost weight from somewhere - be it my bum or my thighs. Any advice and/or photos would be greatly appreciated guys!

I will attach a photo of my midriff area (left hand side is a few weeks into my diet, not the first day... and the right hand side one was taken today). I apologise for the lack of clothing, it's just how I've taken my photos!

Cheers guys and much love. xxxxx


  • hannahxlouisa
    Forgot to attach it! :)

  • emily9423
    emily9423 Posts: 42 Member
    Do you do any ab workouts? I would try first figuring out what is causing your hip pain and taking care of that and then I would try making your cardio more intense and incorporating in some strength training. Livestrong women and bexlife on YouTube both have really great workouts for your entire body that you can do at home. I love them!
  • hannahxlouisa
    Hi Emily!

    I used to do squats but I stopped that too, after noticing odd bruises on my legs/thighs! I'm very accident prone it seems, lol!

    I will drop an e-mail to the lady at the gym though - to let her know what's going on. And of course, contact the doctor if there's no improvements with the hip in a couple of weeks! :(

    Never heard of that channel before - thank you very much! x
  • r5d5
    r5d5 Posts: 219 Member
    Your profile states that you only have 3lbs to go...maybe you should strongly consider setting your weight loss goal for .5 to 1.5 lbs per week, not 2. You'll have more calories to eat, and it'll help you ease into maintenance without a drastic weight jump that some people get from not slowly increasing their calorie intake after being at a deficit. Just a thought!

    You want to "tone up" your stomach...technically toning is not a real thing, since all toning really is is building muscle :) So I would suggest you start looking into weight lifting and lifting programs (Google it or ask lots of much more experiences people on this site!)
    Slimming your stomach will only come from lowering your body fat percentage. By lifting weights, you can build up muscle mass which actually has less volume than fat, thus a slimmer physique!

    Best of luck to you!
  • mz_getskinny
    mz_getskinny Posts: 258 Member
    Unfortunately spot reduction doesn't exist. Your body will decide where it loses from. You should look into upping your calories if you are interested in fat loss though. Right now you are probably losing muscle mass...which is doing the opposite of what you need if you want to burn belly fat.
  • mz_getskinny
    mz_getskinny Posts: 258 Member
    r5d5 wrote: »
    Your profile states that you only have 3lbs to go...maybe you should strongly consider setting your weight loss goal for .5 to 1.5 lbs per week, not 2. You'll have more calories to eat, and it'll help you ease into maintenance without a drastic weight jump that some people get from not slowly increasing their calorie intake after being at a deficit. Just a thought!

    You want to "tone up" your stomach...technically toning is not a real thing, since all toning really is is building muscle :) So I would suggest you start looking into weight lifting and lifting programs (Google it or ask lots of much more experiences people on this site!)
    Slimming your stomach will only come from lowering your body fat percentage. By lifting weights, you can build up muscle mass which actually has less volume than fat, thus a slimmer physique!

    Best of luck to you!

    And this :)