I think I've hit a plateau and now I'm stuck

johnboy916 Posts: 52 Member
edited March 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
Since August 2014 I have lost 34lbs. When I started calorie counting I weighed 249lbs. I now weigh 217lbs. I have been fluctuating between 217 and 220. It has been this way for 3weeks. I've been losing about 1.5lbs per week. Now I'm not losing any. I intake 1730 calories a day with some excerise. Any help or inout would help out thanks.


  • mz_getskinny
    mz_getskinny Posts: 258 Member
    Switch things up! Play with your calories. I had a lot of luck with intermittent fasting. Also make sure you haven't become lenient with your calories. I don't use a food scale, and I noticed that I after a few months I was starting to overestimate :) good luck!!!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    How are your clothes fitting - any looser? Have you taken any progress photos for comparison? Often the scale will "stick" and make us think we've stalled progress, but inches are still coming off. If you're not tracking your measurements, start now.

    Do you eat back exercise cals? Just thinking 1730 seems a bit low, depending on yoru goals I guess - but I eat 1800-2000 cals and lose.

    Otherwise, maybe try eating at maintenance for a week and see if anything changes, the cut back to your regular intake and see if that gets the scale to move.
  • MelWick524
    MelWick524 Posts: 215 Member
    Recalculate your calorie goal based on your current stats. Weigh as much of your food as you can. Count diligently. Lots of water. HIIT workouts :)
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Can you open your diary up?
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    johnboy916 wrote: »
    Since August 2014 I have lost 34lbs. When I started calorie counting I weighed 249lbs. I now weigh 217lbs. I have been fluctuating between 217 and 220. It has been this way for 3weeks. I've been losing about 1.5lbs per week. Now I'm not losing any. I intake 1730 calories a day with some excerise. Any help or inout would help out thanks.

    Stalls happen. Make sure you are weighing, measuring, and logging correctly. If that is all up to snuff, just be patient. Our bodies do weird things that have no real explanation and weight loss stalls are one of them. I have had a couple of stalls and the losses started up again with no changes made.

  • jaysiekemso
    jaysiekemso Posts: 101 Member
    You've been in a calorie deficit for too long, your metabolism has slowed down. Same is happening with me at the moment too. I've increased my calorie intake by 300 two weeks ago, gonna increase it more by adding on 150 next week. I'll still be in a calorie deficit. Im trying to increase my metabolism.