Trying to get ready for my first cruise!

Hey, Fellow Fitness Pals!

I am so glad I found this site. I am fairly active and love to work out but couldn't figure out why I was gaining weight still?? I don't eat fast food often (maybe 3 times a month?) and don't drink soda and am fairly healthy. But when I started logging my calories, I realized what I thought was healthy and what I thought was a portion was what was packing the weight on! Ever since I started counting calories, I have lost 9 lbs in 6 weeks and feeling great!!!!

Any other 30 something moms out there that would like to encourage me and be encouraged???



  • manny_bee
    manny_bee Posts: 62 Member
    i'm not a 30 something or a mom, but i saw the title of this and had to weigh in. if you're going on a cruise be aware the food is.. INCREDIBLE. and available 24hrs a day, in impressive quantities. I went on a cruise for my 21st birthday and ended up gaining so much weight from my lack of self control. just remember when you're on there that calories do still exist, though the cruise makes them extra delicious and appetizing.
  • frannyannemum
    frannyannemum Posts: 142

    I am 31 and a mum to Connor (who turned 3 yesterday) and 16 month old Toby. Like you, I was very surprised about quantity of calories in certain food when I started logging them down on this website. This website is a fantastic one with very supportive friends.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend, I am on here daily.

    Good luck with the weight loss venture (I am dreaming of my first cruise, but that is many years away lol) :(
  • 13marta
    13marta Posts: 8
    I went on a 14 day cruise and loved it. I did not gain not one pound. Only because i walked and used stairs everywhere i went. . I enjoyed all the food they offered. I also used the gym everyday and did as many excursions as i could afford. Could luck. have fun and enjoy.
  • michelle2566
    I have just come back from a weeks cruise and only put a pound on,I did enjoy myself and ate what I wanted but I did some excercise every day to work some of it off,I would walk around the deck 6 times which was 2 miles and when we went ashore we would have a good walk,so if you do some excersice you should be ok,since being back I have lost 2 pounds and well on my way to my goal of 4 stone with only 8 pounds to go!!!!
  • aangie74
    aangie74 Posts: 1 Member

    I'm a 30 something mom of a teenage daughter. I recently started a Daniel's Fast... Yes, Daniel from the bible.. I started it for spiritual reasons but have noticed that I have lost 5 lbs since Tuesday and that's without my daily work out. I kind of went through a halt this week in regards to the gym but am back on track as of yesterday. My reasoning for posting this is I know how exciting it is being on a cruise. And like our earlier fitness pal stated the food is awesome... Literally... I'm not sure if you are leaving fairly soon or in a couple of weeks. But my suggestion to you is look up this Fast and see if it will help you do what you want it to do. I am starting to see how much sugar I would intake on a daily basis by eating regular food. It's amazing what they put in our food and call it food. And we wonder why we are over weight... With this fast you read the labels of what you buy before you eat it and see what's in it if it has sugars put it back. With this fast you don't have sugars, meat, sodas, coffee... And you eat tons of vegetables and fruits... I'm still getting the hang of it but so far so good.. So if you would like to drop some more weight before your cruise and be in a healthier state I suggest you give it a try. I won't lie to you it's been a little challenge... But not difficult to do.. You can do it for however long you would like really.. I am currently on a 10-day fast but I think after the 10 days I will continue on thru 21 days like the actual fast suggests. I am not say become a vegan but I can tell you I feel better.

    Enjoy your cruise..


    Count Down To Skinny Minnie