Back Again

I don't know where to start
Hello, I'm 29, 5'4", starting at 215 and my goal is to get down to 160.

I started MFP 3 years ago - at 220 and lost 25 lbs in 3 months at the time. I did maintain it for a good 2 years, however family problems took over so I'm back to where I started.

Back then all I did was walk for an hr, watch what I eat and count my calories.

I'm looking forward to getting back into shape again. Before MFP 3 years ago, I have never weighed under 200 since Junior High School.

Thank you for your time to read this (n.n)


  • beckybaker14289
    beckybaker14289 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I also just started using MFP again. This is my 3rd time back in 2 years. I have been successful at losing weight with this app in the past, so I'm excited to be back! I'm also 29 but 5'2. I weighed 151 starting out but I'm down to 147 in 10 days. My goal is to be between 120-125. I hope you don't mind me sending you a friend request :)