What are you?



  • DaChozn
    DaChozn Posts: 134 Member
    But really I'm Welsh, Scotch, English, Blackfoot and Cherokee. Basically my ancestors came over on the boats saw the beautiful native people and started breeding. Closest generation of Native American is my Great Grandmother on my Mom's side.

    I laughed at the Romulan one myself. @Newmamama, we might be connected somehow genetically (you know besides the whole Adam and Eve thing).

    African-American - dad from Africa, mom from east coast USA

    Ancestry: African, Native American (Cherokee and Blackfoot, the latter strongly from my great grandmother on mother's side), and Irish (on my mom's side, a lot of the women have light skin and reddish hair including my mom).
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Portuguese & German
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    German, Irish, and a quarter of 'no frickin' idea'.

    Haha my dad used to tell us a little of what we were.....and then when he got tired of saying it he would say "idk make it up"...so i would tell everyone i was like Chinese, Russian, and my favorite was i said i was from Iraq...go figure that one. Nobody believed me for some strange reason:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Newmammaluv
    Newmammaluv Posts: 379 Member
    But really I'm Welsh, Scotch, English, Blackfoot and Cherokee. Basically my ancestors came over on the boats saw the beautiful native people and started breeding. Closest generation of Native American is my Great Grandmother on my Mom's side.

    I laughed at the Romulan one myself. @Newmamama, we might be connected somehow genetically (you know besides the whole Adam and Eve thing).

    African-American - dad from Africa, mom from east coast USA

    Ancestry: African, Native American (Cherokee and Blackfoot, the latter strongly from my great grandmother on mother's side), and Irish (on my mom's side, a lot of the women have light skin and reddish hair including my mom).

    I wouldn't doubt that for a moment! lol Us being related somewhere down the line.
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    On my dad's side i'm Scotish and Welsh and on my mum's i'm english (therefore an anglo saxon and norman mixture with a pinch of
    viking) and Greek Cypriot.
    My great grandma was welsh, about 8 generations since scotland and probably the same about the greek.
    You can't really see much Greek in me...But it's quite obvious in my mum.
  • kristarablue
    kristarablue Posts: 707
    Oh my goodness, I LOVE THIS THREAD!! I am such a culture vulture! I am like wonder bread....as white, generic and boring as they come::: English, Scottish and German and any other white you can throw in there. I do however appreciate the kilt, bagpipe and accent thing that comes with the Scots and English.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I'm a Greek geek. I grew up in NJ, but now I live on the Internet.
  • kristarablue
    kristarablue Posts: 707
    I'm a Greek geek. I grew up in NJ, but now I live on the Internet.

    Kind of like our own personal Greek god:wink:
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    whole lot of latina/chicana here... some castillian, some french. :)
  • rdaraz
    rdaraz Posts: 103
    100% egyptian :):)
  • LeeKetty1176
    LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member
    British...and some Scots........... but like to keep that on the QT
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    Mostly swedish, a little german and irish mixed in on my mom's side.

    @taso42-love the archer profile pic, just seeing it makes me smile:smile:
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    im mixed with african american and 1000% awesome
  • C_Bran
    C_Bran Posts: 254
    African American, Cherokee Indian and Irish (part of the O'Connor clan)
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    100% viking! Actually I don't know I asked mom but she didn't know. So I go with viking and 100% American. I think my Uncle said we were Pennsylvania Dutch. He said our ancestors settled into a town called Blocherville or something. So named after my Mom's and Uncle's side. Allegedly they were doctors and lawyers.

    So one day I get this bright idea to take the kids to the town of our heritage. I kid you not it was junkyard after junkyard all the way through. We turned around in a restaurant lot and we never got so many stares. It was like how fast can I get out of there.
  • dragonmaid78219
    I am English, German, Irish, and Apache Indian
  • Breckgirl
    Breckgirl Posts: 606 Member
    German, British, Scottish, Irish...in that order. :drinker:

    Fun to drink with but you probably don't want to piss me off! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Breckgirl
    Breckgirl Posts: 606 Member
    100% viking! Actually I don't know I asked mom but she didn't know. So I go with viking and 100% American. I think my Uncle said we were Pennsylvania Dutch. He said our ancestors settled into a town called Blocherville or something. So named after my Mom's and Uncle's side. Allegedly they were doctors and lawyers.

    So one day I get this bright idea to take the kids to the town of our heritage. I kid you not it was junkyard after junkyard all the way through. We turned around in a restaurant lot and we never got so many stares. It was like how fast can I get out of there.

    Pennsylvania Dutch is another word for German.
  • kristarablue
    kristarablue Posts: 707
    British...and some Scots........... but like to keep that on the QT

    You know the Scots are fierce….LOL..I bet you would look great in a kilt
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    Italian, Swedish, and Norwegian.