Team UK & Ireland - May 2011



  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    Just been reading through everyone's May goals here...
    I have decided, a bit late I know, that my month's goal is to be under, or exactly, 9 stone. That would be amazing and the lightest since I was 15 (6 years ago), also the lightest weight I ever got to without an ED. I have 4lbs to go to hit 9 stone. It's nice to have this UK group who understand why 126lbs is a big milestone!
  • fatlass70
    fatlass70 Posts: 136 Member
    Hi all,

    Can't believe it's almost the middle of May and I'm only just getting around to posting!. Hope all's well with you all and that you are now on your way to meeting some of the goals you've set.

    Now i'm through silly season - I had an old friends wedding last weekend on top of all the bank holidays etc - I am back on the wagon (along with the rest of you!). I have gained 2lbs over the festivities but am determined to shift them and some more. I'm now looking forwards to my summer hols in August and looking forwards to being a little lighter. The hols are 12 weeks away which should mean I could another stone off by then.

    Good luck to all x
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member

    How's everyone doing? Weather has really turned here, windy and showery, yuck! Hope it'll improve, sure our summer isn't over already before it's even begun?

    Had my weigh-in this morning and the weight that I had gained over the last 2 weeks is gone again, plus some more, so am delighted. Only 0.7 kg away from target, should be doable before the end of this month.
  • shelly650
    shelly650 Posts: 319

    How's everyone doing? Weather has really turned here, windy and showery, yuck! Hope it'll improve, sure our summer isn't over already before it's even begun?

    Had my weigh-in this morning and the weight that I had gained over the last 2 weeks is gone again, plus some more, so am delighted. Only 0.7 kg away from target, should be doable before the end of this month.

    Good too hear you lost the weight you gained!! I finally hit my goal of being under 168lbs and as of this morning I was 166.2lbs!! So Happy!!
  • Stanley383
    Stanley383 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm from Derbyshire and would like to join team UK&I too.
    I only started this (properly) a couple of weeks ago. Lost 3lbs so far but have a long way to go. Feels good to be making long term, realistic changes at last.
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Well I've stuck to my no alcohol goal so far in May, think I might need to allow myself a day off tomorrow though. Watching the Eurovision song contest is a tradition amongst my friends and can only be endured with copious amounts of alcohol to dull the horror!
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    Watching the Eurovision song contest

    :noway: Why? :yawn:

  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    May had been hard work so far, been poorly with stomach flu but just about kept going with my exercise plan.
  • gonnabeskinny2011
    Well 12 days in and 8.6lbs down..............looooving this website, good luck to all!!!!
  • fatlass70
    fatlass70 Posts: 136 Member
    Gonnabeskinny20 - congratulations that's a great start - well done you! Keep doing what you're doing it's obviously working.

    I have managed to shift the 2lbs this week that I put on last week after my excesses at the wedding the weekend before last. So I'm back at 10% of my starting weight now lost. This is the lightest I've been in a while but I have been bouncing around here for a couple of weeks now so need to kick on. If I can shift another 1lb I'll be at a stone and a half off which is a mini milestone in itself. Wish me luck for next monday's weigh-in!
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Hi from guildford!!!

    Trying to pass yourself off as a newbie KP?!? xx

    Haha - Lauren!!! you know me... just trying to join in the loop... fell off massivly though and didnt stickto healthy foods... MUST find that *ping* moment which will start me on the road to weight loss... i dont know whether is because i have pretty much given up smoking? who knows but i just want to eat eat eat.... all the time! and BAD things.. like sweets... ice cream.... and the dreaded biscuits.... dun dun duuuunnnn...... :angry: LOL...

  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    Hi from guildford!!!

    Trying to pass yourself off as a newbie KP?!? xx

    Haha - Lauren!!! you know me... just trying to join in the loop... fell off massivly though and didnt stickto healthy foods... MUST find that *ping* moment which will start me on the road to weight loss... i dont know whether is because i have pretty much given up smoking? who knows but i just want to eat eat eat.... all the time! and BAD things.. like sweets... ice cream.... and the dreaded biscuits.... dun dun duuuunnnn...... :angry: LOL...


    amazing that you've given up smoking!! hows it going? cut yourself a bit of slack if you're struggling because of that though - once its out of your system then you can work on the food! When I stopped a few years ago I puffed out massively - damn smoking! Makes you thin, but is naughty!!

    I've been out of the loop too - trying to find my feet again as have just under 5 weeks until glastonbury and want to be looking good in (hopefully) nice weather!! Although yesterday definitely wasn't on plan.........krispy kreme and starbucks!! But 1 day isn't the end of the world :)

    Hope you're all doing well - would love to hear about some fabulous losses to keep me motivated!! xxx
  • elektradarling
    elektradarling Posts: 85 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm glad I've found this Team UK thread!

    Thanks to a new friend who linked me up :)

    Hope everyone had a great weekend
  • traceywaugh
    traceywaugh Posts: 144
    nice to see so many peeps from uk.. I have been using mfp for a while now but this last month started adding friends and using message boards. its nearly end of May now but hoping to loose some weight before birthday on the 29th May. Would love tobe involved in rthis group if any one wants to add me as a friend feel free
  • nicxox
    nicxox Posts: 175 Member
    Hey, I'm also from the UK (Manchester). Been logging for a week now and have managed to lose 2lbs =D Haven't really set myself any mini goals, maybe I should think of some...
    Anyway feel free to add me! =)
  • VonnieF
    VonnieF Posts: 3 Member
    Hi are there any other Essex girls on here? LOL

    I have been in "the zone" for a week but only discovered MFP on Friday and loving it. Feel free to join me as a friend.

  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    I wondered if there was any UK people on here at all!

    I'm in Newcastle Upon Tyne!
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 527 Member
    hello, im from northants, I've missed the May thread some i'm bumping in the hope to catch the June version!!

    thanks xx
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
  • pamfin
    pamfin Posts: 169 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm from Gloucestershire and I'm new-ish.

    I joined quite a while ago and lost weight but then stopped visiting the site, changed jobs to a sedentary one and gained most of it back. So I'm back for another go.

    I know it works, i've just got to find the will power to stay away from the biscuits :smile: