
nlhill2008 Posts: 1 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Nancy and I am 43 with 5 children (youngest is 16). I started on here, at the suggestion of my nutritionist, just over a week ago. I thought I was doing really well when I lost 5 lbs in 3 days. Then I wasn't seeing any more coming off and I put on a pount. I am still trying to carry through but find myself getting very discouraged. I usually eat when I am stressed or bored and I have a hard time getting motivated to do exercise.


  • sheri816
    sheri816 Posts: 5
    I too am 43 with five kids (youngest is 10). I am struggling to see the scales move but I know I am getting stronger each day that I eat healthy and exercise. I encourage you to keep on your journey and begin exericising. Instead of the focus being on the scales and weight loss (which I know is hard to do), try focusing on putting yourself first and treating your body to exercise and feeling great. I will admit that although the scales are slowly moving downward and I want them to move more quickly, I do feel wonderful and have gained a lot of muscle and firmed up. People are noticing that I look better which is wonderful! Don't give up!!! This is a journey, not a destination. You can do it, Nancy!!!
  • Rocking_Robin
    Rocking_Robin Posts: 238 Member
    Hello and Welcome to MFP!! I love the support on here! I learned real quick to only step on the scale once a week, some times I still get discouraged because of that silly scale. I do not mean to hurt your feelings but if you have only following 1600 calories about a need to give it more time. I understand that it is a drastic change, when I first started I had to stay very busy to not think about food all the time. I got active at a gym that and jamming to my ipod which is new to me...that helped me focus on me and see that I was worth the fight to improve my life. Kudo's to you for posting on the message already loooking for support. That is a great step, have you posted something on the newbie section of the message board to get some friends. Friends on here give you the support and it is fun too (at least for me)
    Hold your chin up high, we will all help you do that... When I first started I gave myself 2 small goals, I have since achieved them so I have a new goal I am working towards. Maybe goals would help you too....

    I dont know if I helped at all, but I didnt want you to give up on yourself so soon after you started so I thought I would try.
    Good Luck!!!
  • Meowbear
    Meowbear Posts: 10
    Scales can be double-discouraging if you step on them too often :(

    1) Healthy weight loss is slow, so you shouldn't expect to see drastic changes each day.
    2) Muscle weighs more than fat, so although you may not see a big difference on the scale as long as you are exercising it may just be that you're gaining enough muscle to make the numbers change more slowly.

    Good luck and I will say a little prayer for you :)

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