I can't lose the weight. Frustrated. Moms help?



  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Oh leslie sansone walking vids for indoor try thetthree mile one! They are on youtube :D
  • HaleysHeartfeltJourney
    I lost exactly what I gained with each baby, this is my third, and the only one to BF for more than 9 days. We've been breastfeeding 9 months. I've lost 14lbs from the day I left the hospital, until last week, and I then decided to restart MFP. 300 calories is what it takes to keep supply up, but if you want to work out, and lower calories, fenugreek will help make up for it. Just know, fenugreek will boost your supply a LOT and make you engorged until your milk is established via supply and demand. Its just a lot slower of a weight loss process, but don't give up! You can lose weight while nursing without damaging your supply :) good luck!!
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I'm a mom of 4, currently BFing my 11 week old. I've lost 17 pounds since I started using MFP when he was 4 weeks old. I love losing weight when BFing because I get to eat more! I give myself 300-500 calories a day extra.

    You said your supply dipped, but how do you know? It's normal for supply to fluctuate so even if it's down a little bit, that could be ok. Baby will start nursing more often to increase your supply if it's too low. I've nursed 4 babies now so I've pretty much seen it all. :) Honestly if I were you I would cut back on calories again and then do things to keep your supply up, like eating oatmeal, drinking tons of water, and using fennel.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Enjoy your time with your bundle and it will come.
  • CMillikan08
    CMillikan08 Posts: 45 Member
    Still have not lost any baby weight and I am exclusively breast feeding. However I am finally keeping track of the calories with mfp again so hopefully I can get a better idea how of what is going to work. I have heard breast feeding helps and some people I think it does others it doesn't :(.

    I was actually wondering about the 'starvation mode' theory and how it ties to breast feeding. So if you're not getting enough calories, your supply can take a hit. Well, if your supply is fine, and you are consistently at or under calorie goal (without eating back calories burned through exercise or breastfeeding) and not losing anything, could this be your body in starvation mode? Just curious if anyone else has experienced this. I am getting frustrated too.
  • dydn11402
    dydn11402 Posts: 98 Member
    according to the kellymom website, the advice they always give nursing moms who cant lose weight is to increase calories. the nutritionist on there claims (and there is a whole article about this on that site) that if you are not getting enough calories, your body will hold on to fat reserves in order to make milk. and as soon as you give it ample calories, your body can finally release its fat stores.
    i am a bit skeptical and not willing to try this because if she is wrong and i gain weight its there to stay... (btw, she says you will gain a few lbs at first but then you will start losing.)
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    You JUST had a baby. Give yourself a little time. If you are not committed to nursing, do what you normally do and formula feed instead.

    I lost all my pregnancy weight in 3 months just with breastfeeding and low-impact cardio. But that's just me.
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    Victoria- are you from TWW?!!! It's Prinycesa from the December group! When did you wind up having your baby? Olivia came on Christmas day :/ The one day I told her not to come the whole 9 months. Sigh. We're all over on Facebook in a private group if you want to join!
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    Dydn.... I've heard the same.... Also afraid to try....
  • Curlychip
    Curlychip Posts: 292 Member
    I am only just starting to lose now Im down to one feed a day. I wouldn't have given it up though! :D
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    youre feeding your baby. dont worry about your weight hun. eat healthy, make sure your milk production is good. exercise when you can, and get plenty of rest.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    edited March 2015
    nancyvdb74 wrote: »
    I nursed all 6 of my kids and gained never lost when breast feeding :(

    This was me. I was told breastfeeding would bring my figure back more quickly.
    Well my youngest is 15..lol

    My cousins wife breastfed and was at her prepregnancy weight within a few weeks of giving birth but she was a serious semi professional athlete and dietitian. I suspect that had way more to do with her figure than breastfeeding.

    At any rate I chose to breastfeed for the benefits to the baby..the so called benefits to my figure would have been a nice bonus...only...I didn't get that particular bonus. Lol
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Give yourself a break

    Bodies react differently to different children - my first child I lost a lb a week whilst breastfeeding, my second child I lost nothing whilst breastfeeding

    I still made the right choice for my children - you make the right one for yours (in case it's not clear the right choice is what you think is right, not what anyone else tells you)
  • erock115
    erock115 Posts: 30 Member
    vrkyllonen wrote: »
    breastfed all mine and lost weight while doing so...after i quit is when i gained about 10 lbs each time.
    This is me except 30 lbs crept clback on when I stopped.
  • rileymama
    rileymama Posts: 196 Member
    I am BFing my 7th baby. I have lost weight with BFing but it is slower and the last couple kids it wasn't till about 4 months that I started a consistent (slow) loss. Keep at it and try to get in some exercise. I know it is frustrating, but if you think breast is best for your baby, then it will be totally worth it! Enjoy your baby and this time with her....
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Yeah hoping to get walking once it warms up. Mine are 4 yrs, 5 yrs & 3 months. Not as easy to just go out alone with all 3 but we will when we can :)

    I am not a mom so take my comment with a large grain of salt, but I have HEARD it depends on the woman, some drop right away, I have also heard alot of women say they struggeled while breast feeding then when they stopped they just kinda "deflated". Breast feeding causes alot of hormone action in you body too, never underestimate the power of hormones.

    Congratuations on the new baby. Try not to stress!
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    Let me start by saying that i've been on MFP for 3 years now. I've lost 120 lbs in 2 years all thanks to this site and the support I receive on here. So, in general, i know what i'm doing. However, i'm at a loss now.

    I had a baby 12 weeks ago. For the last 6 weeks i've religiously counted my cals. Nothing. I'm breast feeding and my supply dipped majorly a couple weeks ago and I figure i was eating too low cal so i added some back and the supply is much better but still not losing anything. All I ever heard was that breast feeding helps you shed the weight so quickly but I feel like its doing the exact opposite for me. Preventing me from losing anything. Im sure a lot of it is water weight but still i'm up 30 lbs since prepregnancy weight and my baby girl will be 3 months next week. It's making me rethink how long I actually want to BF. Dont judge, just being honest. Did anyone else have problems losing weight while BFing?!

    Yes. For me, I did not actively try to lose weight while BF. I was worried more about eating healthy and all that jazz.

    It is just a blip on the radar and will be over soon enough. Enjoy the time you have BF with your little one. Congrats!
  • cplate
    cplate Posts: 16 Member
    I had a difficult time losing weight while BF, hang in there. Just a note, I had started counting calories in January 2015 and it took me about 7 weeks to find where my calories needed to be in order to lose. Now i have find the correct calories to eat at and losing. Hang on because your body is working hard for you and it might take awhile for it to adjust. Without my body working to make milk, I had to adjust my calories 3 times before I got the number right for weight loss and that meant waiting for the scale to move 3-4 weeks before readjusting the number.
  • Cazzy34
    Cazzy34 Posts: 159 Member
    Relax a little and allow your body to repair itself :) And concentrate on your little bundle of joy :)

    I never lost any weight while breastfeeding either... It started to come off slowly once I introduced one bottle of formula a day at 6 months! I've got 3 (15,13,3) and I think it was harder to lose after each one! That's probably because I had other kids to look after and I didn't get out and about as much, so much less exercise.

    Take your time, you will get there :)
  • pollypocket1021
    pollypocket1021 Posts: 533 Member
    kiradot wrote: »
    I think the previous poster saying that the benefits of breastfeeding are grossly overestimated is proven wrong by just about every medical study ever done (I say just about every, because I'm sure somewhere out there you can find one that contraindicates breastfeeding, if that's the case...look at the source). The benefits of breastfeeding are many for both the baby and for you. I'm not going to get into a breastfeeding debate but please do your research before you decide to wean such a young baby.

    If you don't want a "debate" don't go spouting off lies.

    "Proven" is a word rarely used in medical studies. "Demonstrated" is more appropriate. Because I've read the studies to which you allude and they prove nothing. The major issue is they compare babies from different families and then extrapolate that any differences is based on feeding method, not genetics, race, environment, culture, or socioeconomic status. White, upper middle class women with college education breastfeed at higher rates than the general population. So the statistics are wildly skewed and there are seeming infinitely many confounding variables that are never adequately accounted for.

    I have see one study that compares siblings with differences in feeding (or one was breastfed, one was not). This is the best study to date because if does eliminate many of the confounding variables that make the other studies worthless.

    In that study, the "benefits of breastfeeding" vanished.

    But don't believe me, read it for yourself.
