Mini Milestones?

Hey! Just wondering if anyone else had a random reminder that they have been working their way towards success!

The first sign for me was when I felt that my wedding ring was wriggling around easier!

Also, any personal tips that you want to share?

Mine is pretty basic - As soon as I get up, I drink 2-4 glasses of water. Not only does it get my head start on my water for the day, but it also seems to get my system working. Haha!


    JLDRKSJ Posts: 39 Member
    Yup, for me...puffy chubby face was disappearing. Key is definitely staying hydrated.

    One of my little tricks....I have a stationary floor bike that I keep under my desk at work. So for those busy days when my butt is glued to the chair, I get some exercise in.
  • djpooch
    djpooch Posts: 11 Member
    That's great! Keep it up! :smile:

    I haven't noticed so much in my face, myself, but there have been other people, especially at work, that say I look slimmer.
  • englishmermaid
    englishmermaid Posts: 114 Member
    I set myself 5lb goals, with over 100lbs to lose I can't look too far ahead or I'll feel overwhelmed and give up. I can do 5lbs at a time though :)
  • djpooch
    djpooch Posts: 11 Member
    What a great idea! I have about 40-50 pounds total to lose, and I have been celebrating every 10 pounds, so I totally understand!! Only 3 or 4 more celebrations to go! :) Keep it up!