In your 20's and need to lose 100 lbs or so

Lsosa Posts: 3 Member
22 and 250lbs would like to lose ultimately 100lbs and looking for people around the same age group for support and people going along the same journey.


  • kim678
    kim678 Posts: 31 Member
    Hey!! I'm 28 and on just started my journey! I started at 255 and my goal is 135. Already 10 pounds down! Best of luck to you! Feel free to add me!
  • Hi there! I'm 23, started close to 300 (before I made this account), and after a long time and a lot of effort am down to 205. I still want to lose at least 50 more pounds. Good luck :)
  • deadly73
    deadly73 Posts: 7
    Hey I'm 20 and started at 382 have lost 7 pounds since. I know it can be hard to lose the weight but we just need people to help us along.
  • Hi. I'm not sure what I am by your scale but in kgs I'm 115. I want to lose 60kg. Also I'm 28. Can I join?
  • theston412
    theston412 Posts: 47 Member
    I am 29 and am 280 lbs. I would like to lose around 150 lbs (that's my long long term goal).

    I've done this weight loss thing before and lost about 50 lbs, back in August - November of 2012. I entered a new relationship at the beginning of 2013, and things went down hill. I've gained all the weight back, plus some. I decided on Wednesday that I'm going to start again. This time, thought, I figured I had better do more than lurk around this message board. The support and accountability might help me!

    Anyone, please feel free to add me.
  • Lsosa
    Lsosa Posts: 3 Member
    Hi. I'm not sure what I am by your scale but in kgs I'm 115. I want to lose 60kg. Also I'm 28. Can I join?
    Sure!! Feel free to add me!

  • XWhitneysWorldX
    XWhitneysWorldX Posts: 11 Member
    Hey! I'm 25 and 288... want to lose 120lbs. Feel Free to add me!!
  • buttercup525
    buttercup525 Posts: 7 Member
    edited March 2015
    theston412 wrote: »
    I am 29 and am 280 lbs. I would like to lose around 150 lbs (that's my long long term goal).

    I've done this weight loss thing before and lost about 50 lbs, back in August - November of 2012. I entered a new relationship at the beginning of 2013, and things went down hill. I've gained all the weight back, plus some. I decided on Wednesday that I'm going to start again. This time, thought, I figured I had better do more than lurk around this message board. The support and accountability might help me!

    Anyone, please feel free to add me.

    This sounds a lot like me! I'm 27 and started at 275 pounds.

    I also did the weight loss thing before (starting at 255lbs) and lost 25lbs, then gained it back and more when I got in a relationship in 2012. I got to my highest weight of 275 when my guy proposed in Oct. of last year...and so I decided to lose weight so I was at least the weight I was when we started dating...

    My goal is to get down to 160 overall... and then judge on what I think at the point. (This won't happen before the wedding in October, I know that, but I'll be closer!)

    I've lost about 22 lbs so far, weighing in this morning at 252lbs. :smiley:

  • nikkituck56
    nikkituck56 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm 27 and started out at 260. Over the past year I have lost 55 pounds, but since the holidays I have been stuck and lacking motivation. I think more support and accountability is what I need to lose the last 50-60 pounds. Feel free to add me!!
  • englishmermaid
    englishmermaid Posts: 114 Member
    I'm 249 today, was 256 last week when I started, good luck
  • JediMasterNaw
    JediMasterNaw Posts: 124 Member
    I just signed up today. I'm starting 24yo and out at 275lbs. I'm hoping to lose 150lbs over the long run. Let's see if this helps!
  • Smitha92
    Smitha92 Posts: 3
    Hi I'm 22..and I'm trying to loose about 100 pounds. Feel free if you ever need anyone to talk to I'm always open to chat! Good luck!!!
  • Lsosa
    Lsosa Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you! Will do!
  • nhoffman26
    nhoffman26 Posts: 77 Member
    I've lost some weight, still need to lose 90 pounds. Feel free to add me!!
  • kaylamnm3
    kaylamnm3 Posts: 23
    Hey everyone my name is Kayla, I am 23. At my heaviest I was 240, currently I'm at 218.1 my goal is be 135 I hope to receive some good vibes and motivation to help me along my journey!!!!

  • Hi I'm luna I'm 25. I hope to lose weight and be in good shape started with 130 and my weight now is 122 my goal is 100 good luck
  • Hey im 26 started at 372 two weeks ago I'm now 353. 1800 cal diet and low carb.
  • i'm 19 years old and i was 192 a few days ago i'm down to 188 now i'm wanting to be at around 130lbs
  • ladieofthebees
    ladieofthebees Posts: 51 Member
    Just turned 28 and trying to lose 90-100lbs... 25lbs down (was 240lbs the day after Christmas when I started!) still so many more to go!
  • shaunjadon
    shaunjadon Posts: 56 Member
    I'm 25, weigh 250.8lbs at the moment...started at 261 lbs. Goal weight is in the healthy BMI range of 130-140 so definitely over 100 lbs to go!!!