How is walking more exercise than yoga?

Seriously... I put in that I walked 15 min at 2.5mph 76 calories burned . But the yoga that left be shaking from mucle weakness forcing me to stop... 10 min 42 calories ( yes that is pretty sad but I am trying here )... I know I have horrible balance, strength and no flexability ( the reasons I am trying to get into yoga in the first place) but its really only 42 calories?


  • RBfittest
    If you think about it, it makes perfect sense. Walking moves your entire body weight. Yoga in general you stretch more than flex the muscles, which doesn't require energy, and its only part of the body. Likewise, you also would burn more calories walking than doing curls until your biceps are quivering and unable to move...but you may still burn more than yoga while doing the curls depending on the yoga pose and your bicep strength...
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    When you walk, you are not only using your muscles but you are working against gravity by moving your body which burns more. Yoga just moves the muscles.
  • r5d5
    r5d5 Posts: 219 Member
    Most of your weightloss will come from eating at a calorie-deficit. I suggest you keep the yoga to build up your core/overall body strength, balance and flexibility. Just because it doesn't torch calories doesn't mean it isn't beneficial!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Walking is an aerobic is an anaerobic activity...aerobic activities generally require more energy (calories) than do anaerobic activities.

    Example...I can go ride my bike for an hour at a reasonable 15 MPH pace and burn somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 calories...I can go bust my *kitten* in the weight room lifting heavy things for an hour and it's more like 250 - 300 calories.

    I would implore you to look at exercise as more than just burning is very good for is some is some strength training. Using energy (calories) to perform these things is a nice bonus...but the benefits of doing these things go far beyond that energy expenditure.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Energy expended to do yoga (stretch and hold a pose, etc..) is not the same as energy expended going for a brisk or even a leisurely walk (all the muscles and movements you make to take steps)...

    Can't look for a big calorie burn while doing the actual exercise (yoga) but you will continue to burn some after the exercise are completed.. same goes for when you exercise using weights.

    Think about it, it makes sense.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
  • Wiseandcurious
    Wiseandcurious Posts: 730 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I would implore you to look at exercise as more than just burning is very good for is some is some strength training. Using energy (calories) to perform these things is a nice bonus...but the benefits of doing these things go far beyond that energy expenditure.

    That whole post was excellent (good explanatory answer to the OP's question) but I couldn't help quoting this part because it is just... perfect.