11 days and gained 1lb

I'm doing the cardio, the strength training, eating my calories back, eating 1200 cals when I don't exercise, and drink plenty of water...why did I gain a pound????


  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    Maybe it's mucle gain, which weighs more than fat you've lost. Have your measurements changed?
  • colourdiva69
    colourdiva69 Posts: 6 Member
    Depending on how much strength training you're doing, perhaps you have simply gained more muscle. Keep in mind muscle weighs more than fat. Best way to measure progress is check your measurements and see if they've changed.
  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    i'd say strength training. one pound isn't huge and you'll probably see a loss the next week. Also you might want to keep track of the inches you lose so when you don't lose lbs or gain some you know there is still some progress.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Is it that time of the month? I always gain 1-2 pounds a couple of days before then lose it a few days later. Just throwing out ideas...:blushing:
  • Sunshine_Girlie
    Sunshine_Girlie Posts: 618 Member
    Yes, don't forget to take measurements. I didn't see my scale move for three weeks, but I lost about 5 inches.
  • ridiculyss
    ridiculyss Posts: 108 Member
    You might have gained weight in muscle or converted fat to muscle. It could also be water weight. For references, 3500 calories equals 1 lb. If you're looking to get rid of fat though, the best way to shed it is in extended periods of cardio. By the sound of your routine, it sounds like you're just converting fat to muscle. In any case, don't ever let this sort of thing discourage you! You just have to keep going and soon you'll see that you're enjoying the results, whether you feel better or just look better. : ) Keep up the good work! You'll get there : )
  • campi_mama
    campi_mama Posts: 350 Member
    I looked at your diary and I think you are probably retaining water and consuming too much sugar. Also, your body may just be holding on to see if the changes you've made are going to be permanent or not. One of the keys to weight loss is consistency. Keep going and it will happen. Try eating more fresh fruits and veggies and track your sugar intake (you can track it using MFP). You may be surprised how much you are actually consuming. Try upping your protein and cutting back on refined carbs also. Tweak your foods till you find what works for you. You can do it, don't give up!!!
  • hotonice
    hotonice Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks...I don't think my measurement have changed but I'll have to check...I'm just very frustrated I thought I was doing so well!
  • bpayne78
    bpayne78 Posts: 249 Member
    I don't think you could have gained a 1lb of muscle in 11 days......however, it could very well be your muscles holding on to fluids. Keep working out and drinking water and you will flush it out. It is important to keep track of measurements when doing weight work because while you're burning fat you're building muscle....the scale might not change but you'll be losing inches. Per lb, muscle is smaller than fat (1 lb of muscle is a LOT smaller than 1 lb of fat). Keep it up and don't get discouraged yet!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I believe you have hurt your metabolism be eating far to little.

    As a professional athlete and as active as you are, and as close to goal weight as you are, you need to eat VERY VERY close to maintenance to lose those last few stubborn pounds.

    You should have your Activity level set to Highly Active with a goal of HALF a pound a week, then aim to EAT every last calorie it tells you to. Your NET calories have to be ABOVE 1200 a day to avoid long term health risks and harm to your metabolism. 1200 is the BARE MINIMUM healthy amount you can live on. With your active lifestyle, you have essentially starved yourself for the last 2 weeks.

    You should probably be netting closer to 1600 a day. You do that and give it a few weeks to regulate itself and I guarantee you will look AND feel better.

    This is your net for the last 10 days, since you started logging.

    May 4th - 613 net cals
    May 5 - 1120
    May 6 - 1085
    May 7 - 1055
    May 8 - 1190
    May 9 - 1149
    May 10 - 1121
    May 11 - 1135
    May 12 - 998
    May 13 - 922

    Not ONCE did you hit the MINIMUM healthy calorie goal. You have starved your body of the fuel it needs to perform basic functions of life and therefore it is clinging to every gram of fat for dear life as it thinks you are in a famine and it NEEDS that fat in order to LIVE.

    Seriously consider changing your goals and profile to reflect the changes I suggested. I swear to you, after a couple of weeks, you will see a huge difference.
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    The scale will lie to you. Use other ways to track your progress. Do your jeans fit better, Are you losing inches, etc.? Also is it near that time of the month? Are you constipated? Are you drinking enough water? How's your sodium intake? If you measure your success by how you look and feel, the number isn't important. Good for you for choosing a healthier lifestyle. Good Luck!!!!
  • hotonice
    hotonice Posts: 28 Member
    all very helpful thank youuuu!!!