a treat, worth it?

maillekelly Posts: 132
edited September 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been on my new healthy diet for over a month now, and have never cheated, been doing really well, not had anything unhealthy, and today I decided to treat myself to a snickers bar whilst watching a movie at night. I call it a 'treat' but it wasn't an indulge because even after I had eaten it, I had kept to my 1200 calories for the day, so it wasn't like i over eaten or anythign, but i felt AWFUL, and whats worse it got me on a little binge, as soon as I ate it I went into the kitchen and had a handful of cereal, 2 crackers and then another handful of cereal. I know it doesnt sound like much but for me it was strange, I haven't had that feeling in so long, then I ended up going back and making myself a hot chocolate!!!! I don't even drink hot chocolate!

So my question is, is giving yourself treats really worth it? I didn't miss treats, I just kept reading that you should give yourself them, but it seemed like giving myself that snickers made me want more? I thought it would have the opposite effect and just satisfy it. Now I've gone a little bit over my calorie intake for today!! :( Take a look at my diary!

Grrr, do any of you give yourself chocolate bars for treats etc? how do you stop yourself from feeling bad?


  • leeuuh143
    leeuuh143 Posts: 48
    oh man. i feel your pain. Ive been doing this for about a month now and i decided to reward myself with a lunch at olive garden. the lunch was about 500 cals and not to bad considering my daily intake is 1200. i felt so bad for eating it i beat myself up all day. i ate more that day then i did since my very first day of starting this. It sucked and in my opinion wasn't worth it at all... i ran extra and told myself i wouldn't treat myself with food anymore. I'm going to try another approach maybe a pedicure? thanks for the post i dont feel so alone now :)
  • campi_mama
    campi_mama Posts: 350 Member
    I've found that more often than not if I indulge in a treat it will touch off a similar reaction. Now I really try to avoid foods that trigger me. There is just something that goes haywire and I have to reign myself in. Since I don't like that out of control feeling I have to decide if it's worth it. Most of the time it's not. I've also recognized if it's near that TOM the reaction to a trigger food is more intense. Hope that helps... you are not alone :smile:
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    You're entitled to a treat here and there. Incorporate it into your healthy lifestyle; it'll prevent you from having a potential binge.
  • Levahna
    Levahna Posts: 132
    I don't really do treats and I don't do cheat days at all, but I live by the motto of not denying myself a craving. If I want a piece of chocolate, I have it. . . but I don't over indulge. I do this because I know if I deny the craving, I will have it at some point and usually have way more than I would have if I'd eaten it in the first place.
    It really is just know yourself. Some people can't do any giving in and I totally respect that. I also respect those that can eat anything they want and not gain weight (I have friends like that and we're still friends, hehe),
    Do what feels right for you and keeps you on the path you want to go down. Don't sacrifice your goals and plans for a candy bar if that is what it ends up doing. You will figure it out and you will rock it!! Good luck!!
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    Just because something works for one person doesnt mean its going to work for others.Some people wont deprive themselves of things they want to eat and keep in their calorie goal and lose weight. They can eat anything and have the willpower to only eat half a candy bar and it works for them. Others only eat clean and will eat only healthy things and lose weight and feel this is right for them.
    FOOD isnt the enemy, it isnt about what we eat or how we eat its about the choices we make. Yes I do understand you have made the choice not to eat any treats and it triggered more eating. Well it was a choice you made and a lesson learned. You now know what you need to change and make a different choice, like if your going to have a treat how are you going to handle it. OR not have them if you choose. The CHOICE is yours and YOU know what works best for you. :) Stick with it and be happy with your choice
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    A treat is something you want occasionally. If you didn't really want it then it's not a treat. You then killed your efforts with guilt. A treat that you allow yourself especially when you stayed in calories is nothing to be guilty about. You felt guilty then went with it and kept eating. Next time don't eat somethign unless you really want it and then don't feel guilty about it. Eat it and enjoy it guilt free and don't let yourself go on a binge.
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