Fear of yoga



  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    If I can do yoga (I'm about as flexible as a concrete block), there shouldn't be anything stopping you!
  • judithlyn
    judithlyn Posts: 30 Member
    judithlyn wrote: »
    tjcuipylo wrote: »
    I do YouTube yoga all the time. There are some really great videos that I use right in the morning to stretch out and energize for the day.
    BFDeal wrote: »
    I'm just afraid I'll fart during the poses!

  • judithlyn
    judithlyn Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you, guys! Hysterical and helpful. You guys are awesome. I received a gift certificate for Barre & Soul this Christmas and I have been so afraid to go. Afraid of farting...bfdeal and alpine -and afraid of my own awkwardness. No reason why I can't just go and give it my all. Realizing that everyone is out for self-improvement. Thanks for reminding me that the world is larger than my own. We're all human and I'm glad to hear from all of you. I'm gonna give it a go. Thanks, once again. See you around!
  • eponine1976
    eponine1976 Posts: 143 Member
    I'm easily the most clumsy and uncoordinated person in my yoga class, but I absolutely love it! I've never felt embarrassed about losing my balance doing poses or having to take a rest break sometimes during the more intense part of the class, and nobody has been at all judgmental, they are all encouraging. I can tell I'm starting to improve and that makes me really happy at the end of the class when I know I did better than before. Last week the instructor came to me after class to congratulate me on my improvement. I really love yoga even though I'm not good at it. Try it! I promise nobody will judge you or make you feel uncomfortable, yoga is all about acceptance
  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    Yoga is really wonderful, it's worth trying at least a few times to overcome your intimidation. Let the instructor know you're new (and whether you're comfortable with hands-on posture adjustments), stand in the back and try to remember that most or all the other people are focused on themselves.

    Good luck.
  • marykate_1203
    marykate_1203 Posts: 164 Member
    There are a few cool apps you can download.. I do it in my basement :)
  • LITtlerMeCO
    LITtlerMeCO Posts: 130 Member
    Kimo159 wrote: »
    Briargrey wrote: »
    While there are always some lithe and lean in there, most of us are just average people looking for some nice awesomeness. Especially as you're learning, going to a live class with a good instructor is key, in my opinion, as they can help with the (sometimes very subtle) positionings for the poses. The great thing about the people I see at yoga too is that I've not yet run into a judgmental one. I was almost 300 pounds when I started and there were TONS of things I couldn't do. I never once felt that someone looked at me askance for being there, or for not being able to do certain poses even a little because my fat rolls got in the way!

    So go yoga! It's worth it :)

    ^^ THIS. So much!!

    When I started 20 months ago I couldn't do Child's Pose and breathe at the same time, now I'm doing Dancer's Pose without hold onto a bar. I've never encountered any judgment and my go to instructor is amazing.
  • LITtlerMeCO
    LITtlerMeCO Posts: 130 Member
    I'm easily the most clumsy and uncoordinated person in my yoga class, but I absolutely love it! I've never felt embarrassed about losing my balance doing poses or having to take a rest break sometimes during the more intense part of the class, and nobody has been at all judgmental, they are all encouraging. I can tell I'm starting to improve and that makes me really happy at the end of the class when I know I did better than before. Last week the instructor came to me after class to congratulate me on my improvement. I really love yoga even though I'm not good at it. Try it! I promise nobody will judge you or make you feel uncomfortable, yoga is all about acceptance

    My instructor actually says that if you don't occasionally have balance issues you aren't pushing yourself.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    I am friends with 3 yoga instructors, and I can't say that a single one of them would make anyone feel anything less than totally welcomed. For me it would be more intimidating to do well because it's my friends. I've been to other classes years ago, and I loved it. I really need to start doing yoga in the morning before I go to work. I could use the extra sense of peace before I walk into the classroom. :P