somebody stop me...

Cake is calling and I half want to give in/will half be furious if I do.

It's just cake...when I type it, it seems ridiculous how much power I'm allowing it to have over my life! I'll feel even sillier when I hit post!


  • wathjo1
    wathjo1 Posts: 106 Member
    When I ignore my cravings, I try to replace them with healthier versions.. My craving continues to get stronger and I eventually cave in and wind up eating 2x the calories. If it were me, I would eat the cake. Just one small piece...

    Unless the cake were a pizza. Then I would RUN FAR FAR AWAY, because I would eat the whole thing. THAT is my one weakness.
  • jazzandbill
    jazzandbill Posts: 140 Member
    hope i can help since im just starting but i had some cravings since jje what i do is check my daily journal to see how many calories/sugar i have left and then i type the item in and see if is worth eating what im craving for..
    also i search on pinterest for alternative options.. sometimes u can find a cake in a mug but a healthier version..
  • jazzandbill
    jazzandbill Posts: 140 Member
    this wont be your first craving but u can teach yourself what to do for the future.. i have found that searching for recipes has been an eye opening on making healthier snacks that are fulfilling/healthy and at the same time i introduce it to my family.. win-win for me :D
  • PeachyPlum
    PeachyPlum Posts: 1,243 Member
    It's just cake. They make them every day.

    Don't fall victim to cake-by-ambush! When you want cake, you can go to the bakery and choose a slice of exactly the kind of cake you want, on a day you've budgeted the calories for it.

    Don't settle for whatever cake comes along! You are worth the best and deserve to choose the cake that you will enjoy the most!
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    That sneaky cake is giving you the eye, and sometimes its seductive look can be all too powerful. I know how you feel. If it were me I would allow myself a small piece. Clean the plate entirely, but once it's done that's it for the day: No more cake.
  • shannonbun
    shannonbun Posts: 168 Member
    try a spoonful of nutella or something instead! 2 tablespoons is 200 calories, and might satisfy your sweet tooth. You are stronger than the temptation of cake! Once you hit your weight goal, you can have a celebratory cake then :)
  • Pandora_and_her_box
    Pandora_and_her_box Posts: 240 Member
    Thanks all for your suggestions and help :)

    I think I've ridden it out (for now). Stressful Friday afternoon in the office and resorting to food to try and cheer myself up. I've plumped for a cup of tea and feeling better now.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    Cake is calling and I half want to give in/will half be furious if I do.

    It's just cake...when I type it, it seems ridiculous how much power I'm allowing it to have over my life! I'll feel even sillier when I hit post!

    This is the voice you need to listen to! Once you do you will feel empowered and strong! If you don't, you'll just beat yourself up. You can win! Note: I'm NOT saying eating cake is bad; just simply responding to the OPs initial plea.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    Speaking of tea, there are a lot of delicious tea flavors out there... like chocolate covered strawberry. Tea has helped me out so many times.
  • Pandora_and_her_box
    Pandora_and_her_box Posts: 240 Member
    BZAH10, yep you're right! FluffySandwich, sparkling tea sounds worth investigating! Thanks all, what a lovely community this is! Go us! <3
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Its just food eat it/ dont eat it but accept the consequences.

    Try having a healthy alternative at hand.
    Consider whether you are prepared to exercise for the privilege.
    If you must/ want to then just have a smaller piece and dit it inro your daily calories.
  • dragon_sla
    dragon_sla Posts: 42 Member
    On the advice of my dr. have one cheat day a week. Eat in moderation but helps me keep the cravings in check.
  • kotarea
    kotarea Posts: 212 Member
    You can still have cake just moderate your intake don't just have a big slice to have it, take a small one and (pun intended) enjoy the little things in life!

    I found that after I quit smoking I started snacking a ton little bits here and there, I now use and electronic cigarette and they make all kinds of crazy flavors like cake, brownie, icecream, candies yada yada yada, so its like having my dessert and not the calories i love that lol
  • Oldbitcollector
    Oldbitcollector Posts: 229 Member
    Unless that is the very best cake you could possibly get, don't do it! Make those "treats" the very best you can get, and then do them sparingly in small amounts. Don't you dare feel guilty when you do! Budget them into your count, and celebrate every bite!