MARCH 2015 Walk/run/bike Challenge



  • SteveCro
    SteveCro Posts: 788 Member
    1- 0
    2- 14.0 miles- road bike on trainer, 47 minutes
    3- 0
    4- 27.1 miles- road bike on trainer, 101 minutes
    5- 0
    6- 18.0 miles- road bike on trainer, 61 minutes
    leaving for North Carolina for a week to visit our daughter, won't be riding
    19- 3.0 miles- jog/walk week 2, day 3 C25K

    total 62.1
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    edited March 2015
    I'm in... I just need a more cold notification so that I can be able to pay attention to. Alot of these posts just flood and it's hard for me to find it. Can someone add me and then update me when the next one is? Or can I start from today? I'm sure everyone will be over me as I'm starting toward the end of the month... lol.

    Hopefully this will answer your question... You can start anytime and if you click on the little star (*) beside the thread, you then have it bookmarked and can locate it lickety split on the top right hand corner of your screen.

    4.83 miles
    71.63 total miles
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,792 Member
    edited March 2015
    Happy Thursday ... :) RAIN... :'( ......

  • Rigi8
    Rigi8 Posts: 128 Member
    You are spring chickens jeanniewes and 2ledbetter I'm older than both of you - but still think I'm 30 ha ha. It's only when the joints creak I stop and take stock!

    Stepped it up a bit since Monday and have added nearly 14 mls in three days so could still reach target. :Do:)

    Off to my spin class tonight so that should make sure I get today's mileage in. Keep at it guys 'n' gals


  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,792 Member
    Rigi8 you look YOUNG too be one year older than me! lol You're doing great!!!!

    Today was rain and more rain. Husband had two meetings in town. He dropped me off at the Big mall. I mall walked and shopped and mall walked some todays total was 4.75 Miles. I did make one mistake. I WORE THE WRONG SHOES! ughhhhh

    TOTAL thus far March 18th....................63.00 Walking miles...
    .............................................................100.5 Exercise bike miles
  • marciaj10
    marciaj10 Posts: 40 Member
    Ellipitical 3.9 miles today

    So far 56.64 miles
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Took a bit of a road trip yesterday, kinda derailed my mileage...

    Happy Joyous Wonderful Blessed Friday everyone!!!

    3.11 miles
    74.74 total miles
  • kegofstout
    kegofstout Posts: 74 Member
    Happy Spring Friday all. I had to come check on everyone's miles, very impressive!! I am out of commission since yesterday, think I need new running shoes :( so I am resting up for 3 days to nurse my foot. Don't think I will hit my goal of 75 miles ran this month but I am going to get as close as I can!! Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend and happy miles.
  • McCloud33
    McCloud33 Posts: 959 Member
    11.1 mi walked
    37.5 mi run
    43.1 mi Biked
    91.7 Total through 3/20
  • jahmanrv
    jahmanrv Posts: 102 Member
    3/1 - 3.30 miles walking Treadmill
    3/2 - 4.10 Elliptical Machine
    3/3 - 1.0 walk
    3/13 5.5 (3.5 exercise Bike and 2 Elliptical)
    3/16 - 7.0 (6 exercise Bike and 1 Rowing Machine)
    3/20 - 10.3 Exercise Bike
    Total: 31.20
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,792 Member
    ughhhhhhh I forgot too change my date again last night....oh well...

    Still rain, fog today. Late evening walk/run combination with husband.
    2.75 miles today....

    TOTAL thus far March 20th....................65.75 Walking miles...
    .............................................................100.5 Exercise bike miles

  • marciaj10
    marciaj10 Posts: 40 Member
    Walk treadmill 3.6 mile
    Ellipitical 3.1 mile
  • Oldbitcollector
    Oldbitcollector Posts: 229 Member
    Just added up my Fito numbers.. I'm further than I thought. 73.1 miles so far.

  • Dred_855
    Dred_855 Posts: 31 Member
    3-20-15 = Walked 8.2 miles

    March total = 134.3 miles
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    Have not been able to log for couple of days, but here goes:
    • 19-Mar - 15K Ride
    • 20-Mar - 7K Run
    • 21-Mar - 8.6K Run/list]
      Total mileage for March: 129.9 miles

  • jillyian
    jillyian Posts: 423 Member
    Monday 3/2 4 miles walking
    Tues 3/3 bike ride 37.5 miles
    Wed 3/4 workout plus 4.75 miles walking
    Thurs 3/5 ... 57.3 miles cycling
    Fri 3/6 40.7 miles cycling + 50 min beach workout
    Sat 3/7
    Sun 3/8 45.6 miles cycling 2
    Week of mon 3/9-sun 3/15 133.9 miles cycling
    Mon 3/16 4 mile hike
    Tues 3/17 13 mile hike
    Wed 3/18. 15 mile hike
    Thu. 3/19 6 mile hike and a 4 mile hike.
    Friday nothing
    Sat - 3/21
  • buzzardsrule
    buzzardsrule Posts: 183 Member
    1st to 18th March total 40.3 miles
    21st March 6.09 miles walking
    Total 46.39 miles
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,792 Member
    Very early morning Hike with husband. Then a slower cool down walk. Late evening a walk with my girls....TOTAL WALKS TODAY 5.5 MILES....

    TOTAL thus far March 21ST..................71.25 Walking miles...
    .............................................................100.5 Exercise bike miles

  • hmthomas317
    hmthomas317 Posts: 42 Member
    As of 3/21/15 I have walked 85.38 miles this month.

    March 7th 32.71 miles
    March 14th 27.06 miles
    March 21st 25.61 miles
  • Dred_855
    Dred_855 Posts: 31 Member
    3-21-15 = Biked 12 miles

    March total = 146.3 miles