Recipe ideas Help!!!

LaTieya Posts: 12 Member
Hi How is everyone?! Living on a campuse set up is so hard for someone trying to eat Im looking for some ideas for some tastey foods,sweets and shakes to make! I am not allergic to anything and I love almost all kinds of fruits and veggies. Thank you everyone in advance!! :)


  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    You can check out a variety of specific sources like the but I find it easiest just to think of a food I might want to work with and google it with the word "recipes." If you google "eat healthy in college" you'll find lots of good sites with recommendations. Also, if you go to pinterest and search "residence hall recipes" you'll find lots of good links.
  • EvilShenanigansTX
    EvilShenanigansTX Posts: 143 Member
    What kind of kitchen situation are you working with?
  • SGregoric
    I've been making smoothies for my lunch with a cheap blender from Walmart. I use a small container of low fat greek yogurt ( 90 calories ), a cup of frozen fruit, a splash of milk, and a tablespoon of instant pudding mix to thicken. Blend it up and it's like a McDonalds smoothie. About 300 calories total. Also you can do the same thing with a meal replacement shake using ice cubes in place of the yogurt, fruit, and milk and adding the pudding mix to thicken.
  • LaTieya
    LaTieya Posts: 12 Member
    It's a regular kitchen with a stove and fridge but sometimes I'm not in the dorm that has that @EvilShenanigansTX‌

  • summer721
    summer721 Posts: 7 Member
    I use pintrest for recipes and frequently alter them to my needs
  • reprimal
    reprimal Posts: 11
    Go on and check out the site/forums/articles. His style of eating for losing weight is great. I'm using his formula for weight loss found in the book The Primal Blueprint. My own MyFitnessPal goal settings are as follows:
    1900 calories per day. Weight loss of 1 pound per week.
    20% Carbs
    20% protein
    60% fat
    If you do this you will not be adding sugars to your foods.
    You should make sure to eat 80-90 g protein per day if you are doing exercise.
    No matter what you are limiting carbs to 50-100 per day if you want to lose body fat.
    I don't watch my weight, rather I periodically check my body fat percentage i.e. lean body mass.
    Use the Weekly progress on MyFitnessPal. It's okay to skip a meal to "fast" periodically, or eat all your food before 3-4 pm and then not eat a "dinner." But, aside from that, eat food within 30 minutes of waking up and then maintain insulin levels throughout the day--best done with 3 meals and 2 snacks at regular on-time intervals and protein at each meal.

    I will be posting some of my own recipes in this forum as I can. Try half avocado as your fat base for your smoothie--it's a super nutritious food. Try learning to make Miso from fresh miso paste. You can get a taste of it from a Sushi restaurant. Add sprouted soy tofu chunks and some seaweed. Try salads (best with spinach and baby greens) with white balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Canned fish like salmon, and sardines tuna are super nutritions. Shrimp cocktail is easy. Try making a grain-free granola with just unsweetened coconut flakes, slivered almonds and you can put that on your PLAIN yogurt but sweeten it with something natural like honey or use calorie free choice of one of these: Truvia/NOW GMO-free erythritol/KAL brand stevia extract powder.
    Blue Diamond Unsweetened varieties of Almond Milk beverage are low calorie. Add instant coffee for a "treat".

    My recipe I posted this week in this forum on MyFitnessPal for Thai Boats can be adapted to be easy and tasty if you like Asian flavors and this will pack in vegetables and protein. I LOVE this recipe! That's why I took the time to share it here. Feel free to friend me on here if you think it will help you get more ideas. My NewsFeed shows that I posted recipes.

    Also check out SpunkyCoconut blog.'s email list.

    Make a list of YOUR favorite simple recipes that you can return to again and again throughout the years as you "forget" and then return to eating healthy again. I see about 2 seasons per year: Winter and Summer. So you might have 2 folders for recipes and as the weather begins to turn you pull out from the other folder more often. 6 months later you may have forgotten what you did the last time it was cold/hot weather.

    1 large, ripe avocado, peeled, pitted, and coarsely chopped
    1 1/2 cups pineapple chunks, fresh or frozen
    1 egg yolk (preferably free-range, organic)
    1 cup coconut milk
    2 teaspoons lime juice
    2 ice cubes (can be eliminated if using frozen pineapple)

    Avocado and Pineapple Smoothie utensils preparation 5 minutes | users servings 1

    If you need an extra energy boost, add a scoop of whey protein powder.

    Purée all ingredients (except ice cubes) in a blender until smooth. Add ice cubes if desired.

    Note: This recipe calls for a raw egg yolk from a pastured chicken. The risk of salmonella infection from raw pastured yolks is very small, but if you’re concerned about it you can omit the egg yolk. Do not use a raw egg yolk from commercially raised eggs sold in the supermarket

  • LaTieya
    LaTieya Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you I'll have to try that out @summer721‌ @reprimal‌
  • ROFLwaffle82
    ROFLwaffle82 Posts: 205 Member
    Do you like potato salad? I've got a low carb alternative called cauliflower salad. Preheat oven to 400 and chop up a head of cauliflower into bite size pieces. Mix it together with 2 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil, 2 cloves of garlic, a little salt (I use a substitute called No Salt), and pepper. Spread it on a foil lined baking sheet for 20 minutes. Let it cool. Now mix the cooled cauliflower with 1/2 cup fat free mayo, 1/2 cup of fat free sour cream, green onion, and paprika. You can also add shredded cheddar and bacon. I don't because of the sodium content. It tastes almost exactly like potato salad.
  • LaTieya
    LaTieya Posts: 12 Member
    That's sounds good so your Actually cooking it in the oven instead of the stove top that's different. I have to try that thank you @ROFLwaffle82‌