not hitting my calorie goal? why?

Hey, so my calorie goal when i first started out was around 1,900 and i put that down to 1,500 after the first week (doctors orders!) However, i can never fill my calorie goal! I sometimes eat just under 1000 a day and feel full constantly. I never really ate that much when i ate all the junk food ether.

Any help or even food recommendations? Thanks!


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Your diary is closed, but I would recommend adding some calorie dense foods to your meals. Things like nuts, oils, and avocado will help you reach your goal. Are you eating any "diet" items? You could look at switching to regular versions.
  • bethyfaceee
    bethyfaceee Posts: 7 Member
    hello Jane! I've opened it now, sorry. I dislike nuts for some reason no matter how hard i try to eat them. Avocado is a good idea, ill give that a try!
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    Yeah, like Jane suggested..maybe instead of using "light" oil, and eating weightwatcher meals, just eat regular whole foods, that would bring you closer to your calorie goal.

    Also, there are days where you eat only one thing? or only two things? Are you really logging every single thing that you eat and drink?
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Peanut Butter.
  • bethyfaceee
    bethyfaceee Posts: 7 Member
    WW tomato soup is just a weight watchers soup, in a can. I weigh mostly everything i can, but i didnt think about bananas!
    The 'incomplete' entries are just what i eat in a day, sometimes ill eat even less. Doesn't help that i have a prolapsed disc so i don't enjoy getting up and standing for very long ha!
  • bethyfaceee
    bethyfaceee Posts: 7 Member
    Dragn77 wrote: »
    Yeah, like Jane suggested..maybe instead of using "light" oil, and eating weightwatcher meals, just eat regular whole foods, that would bring you closer to your calorie goal.

    Also, there are days where you eat only one thing? or only two things? Are you really logging every single thing that you eat and drink?

    i was never really taught how to cook a good healthy meal, i suppose its worth brushing up on that first. But like i said, some days ill eat only 1 or two things and just drink water constantly. Maybe i just going about this the wrong way.
    Peanut Butter.

    cant stand peanut flavour! What about almond butter? dont mind the taste of that too much.
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    edited March 2015
    Dragn77 wrote: »
    Yeah, like Jane suggested..maybe instead of using "light" oil, and eating weightwatcher meals, just eat regular whole foods, that would bring you closer to your calorie goal.

    Also, there are days where you eat only one thing? or only two things? Are you really logging every single thing that you eat and drink?

    i was never really taught how to cook a good healthy meal, i suppose its worth brushing up on that first. But like i said, some days ill eat only 1 or two things and just drink water constantly. Maybe i just going about this the wrong way.

    Even if you get the packaged foods, instead of choosing weightwatchers and buying products that are low-fat, light, low calorie, etc etc etc... Just buy the regular ones.

    I mean, I dont buy packaged foods, but Im sure that there are options besides just those marketed as diet food to buy...Im assuming? I really don't know. But for *sure* I know you can buy regular oil and not just light oil.

    ETA - If you're interested in learning to cook, definitely worth a shot. Homemade tastes *far* better than packaged foods do! And for less sodium too.
  • Krperry655
    Pizza. Milk shakes, ice cream. Or Doritos or fried chicken--whatever will make you want to start eating again. My sister recommended I buy "nutribullet" smoothie maker. I, too, was starting to eat nothing and drinking lots of water. My body was like, meh, don't care about eating but I sure do need hydration. Now I'm eating and snacking as often as I can (kefir drinkable yogurt, bananas, even dry wheat toast for snack). I bought "Orgain" (on but doctor warned against too much sugar so I'm being careful with that. She said "protein is my friend" for afternoon so I'm going to go drink a vanilla bean orgain now and then have cheese and crackers for an afternoon snack so I don't get ridiculous sugar/mood crash. Good luck!
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,978 Member
    Also, you can be wildly inaccurate by using measurements like cups. Get food scale and use ounces/grams. You would be surprised how different my cup is from yours in terms of weight.
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    kami3006 wrote: »
    Also, you can be wildly inaccurate by using measurements like cups. Get food scale and use ounces/grams. You would be surprised how different my cup is from yours in terms of weight.

    Yup, this... definitely. I only recently started weighing my food, and still amazed by how off I was using measuring cups and guessing portion sizes. From what Ive read, even portion sizes of prepackaged foods can be wrong. So you may be eating more cals than you think.
  • bethyfaceee
    bethyfaceee Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you for all the replies, I'll try fitting snacks into my day and taking my time to prepare a meal. Got to start somewhere!
    I own a smoothie maker, use it when I get sick of water.. Just got to weigh out all my food and try to buy regular and not get misled by labels!

    Thank you all again c: