Started with a personal trainer and im a little confused.....



  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    How active are you typically, apart from your workouts? I lost my weight eating 1700-1800, I'm 10 years older than you and 1 inch taller... so it seems about right to me, assuming you're not sedentary, although frankly I'd get rid of the cheat day, or just allow yourself to go 400 over or something.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited March 2015
    redmohca89 wrote: »
    Okay, Im 26 years old.
    Im 5 foot 3, currently 140 pounds....
    He has me eating 1800 calories a day, we work out 3 days a week

    That's going to be right around your sedentary/light burn. So a pretty small deficit (which can be ok!). It will be important to track your food intake *very* closely.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    redmohca89 wrote: »
    Okay, Im 26 years old.
    Im 5 foot 3, currently 140 pounds....
    He has me eating 1800 calories a day, we work out 3 days a week

    That's going to be right around your sedentary/light burn. So a pretty small deficit (which can be ok!). It will be important to track your food intake *very* closely.

    Totally depends on her activity during the day, if she sits all day, or has an active job etc.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    edited March 2015
    I'd get rid of the cheat day, maybe drop 100-200 calories depending on how active you are and be absolutely METICULOUS about weighing and measuring food intake.

    I don't think you need to go as low as 1400. 1800 isn't really leaving you a margin for error.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    cityruss wrote: »
    Body adjusting to excercise.

    Body adjusting to new calorie intake.

    Water weight.

    Digestive system contents.

    A 3lb fluctuation is completely normal. You have not put on 3lb of body fat unless you have eaten a surplus of around 10,500 calories.

    If you are not happy with the trainers dietary advice, either seek someone else or develop your own, if not continue for a month, then re-assess.

    Maybe ask the trainer why 1800.

    What macronutrient levels has the trainer proposed?

    You aren't going to gain a significant amount of muscle mass unless you are fuelling that gain, which is through a calorie surplus, not a deficit.

    You should be looking at maintaining lean muscle mass by adequate protein intake and continuation of your weight training.

  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    redmohca89 wrote: »
    so should I drop to 1400 calories a day ?
    which is what is suggested when you take my weight and multiply by 10 you get 1400 calories ?

    My goal , is to lose weight, but with my training, im toning things up as well.

    it's best to be consistent with a plan and give it enough time to produce measurable results. and it's best not to listen to too many voices. go with your trainer's plan for at least a month, weigh yourself and check your body circumferences, and then we'll adjust from there if needed.

    OP, take this advice.
  • terar21
    terar21 Posts: 523 Member
    Depending on what calculator you use, 1800 is around your tdee. Keep in mind your exercise is taken into account. I'd say that amount is fine if you were doing a few workouts on off days but with 4 days of rest, it does seem a bit off. Since that's around tdee for you, I'd reduce by 10%. I wouldn't be as weary if it weren't for that caveat he gave of a cheat meal with no real direction. Even when you "cheat" there still should be tracking.

    But all if these (even what the trainer gave you) are just estimates. Stick with whatever you choose for a while to see how it works for you. A week isn't enough time for a accurate judgement.

    Just my opinion :)
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,241 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    redmohca89 wrote: »
    so should I drop to 1400 calories a day ?
    which is what is suggested when you take my weight and multiply by 10 you get 1400 calories ?

    My goal , is to lose weight, but with my training, im toning things up as well.

    it's best to be consistent with a plan and give it enough time to produce measurable results. and it's best not to listen to too many voices. go with your trainer's plan for at least a month, weigh yourself and check your body circumferences, and then we'll adjust from there if needed.

    This is the best advice. Four weeks and see what is happening not only with the scale, but with body measurements. If you have not taken other body measurements do so. A starting picture might be a good idea as well.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    redmohca89 wrote: »
    Okay, Im 26 years old.
    Im 5 foot 3, currently 140 pounds....
    He has me eating 1800 calories a day, we work out 3 days a week

    That's going to be right around your sedentary/light burn. So a pretty small deficit (which can be ok!). It will be important to track your food intake *very* closely.

    Totally depends on her activity during the day, if she sits all day, or has an active job etc.

    That's why I specifically specified an activity level in my post. :smile:
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Why are you taking advice from a trainer about nutrition?

    Four rest days a week is ridiculous.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    redmohca89 wrote: »
    so should I drop to 1400 calories a day ?
    which is what is suggested when you take my weight and multiply by 10 you get 1400 calories ?

    My goal , is to lose weight, but with my training, im toning things up as well.

    it's best to be consistent with a plan and give it enough time to produce measurable results. and it's best not to listen to too many voices. go with your trainer's plan for at least a month, weigh yourself and check your body circumferences, and then we'll adjust from there if needed.

    This. I'm assuming you're paying the PT so give it a chance. Those 3 lb are most likely water, like others have said. Try it out and if it isn't working come back.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    cityruss wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »

    it's best to be consistent with a plan and give it enough time to produce measurable results. and it's best not to listen to too many voices. go with your trainer's plan for at least a month, weigh yourself and check your body circumferences, and then we'll adjust from there if needed.

    OP, take this advice.

    Yes, follow this advice
  • Heath014
    Heath014 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi redmocha!

    I have similar stats, 5'2 and 137. I started working with a trainer about 2 weeks ago and he sent me to a nutritionist. She put me on 1400 Cals a day.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    Stay at 1800 for at least a few months and be glad your trainer is advocating reasonable caloric intake. As long as you aren't eating back exercise calories (as I'm assuming the 1800 is supposed to be based off of TDEE), then you are simply seeing water weight gains from starting a new program. At worst you are logging inaccurately.

    You cannot lose weight, gain muscle at th same time. The latter involves gaining weight.

    I'm 156lbs and I'm eating 2150 calories for weight loss.

    I'm always jealous of what you can eat to lose. 2150 is above my maintenance! Awesome.

    sloooow loss though. less so on the scale lol. I might need to lower it to 2100 or 2150 in a while though, still monitoring!
  • hhnkhl
    hhnkhl Posts: 231 Member
    Its probably water and muscle gain
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    redmohca89 wrote: »
    Okay, Im 26 years old.
    Im 5 foot 3, currently 140 pounds.
    I want to get back to 115, but healthy this time and not near anorexic and starving.

    He has me eating 1800 calories a day, we work out 3 days a week, and on my days I dont see him, he doesn't have me do anything, he calls these rest days. And every sunday, he says is my *cheat* day to eat what I choose , as long as I don't go overboard on the junk food.

    Our workouts are 1 hour long everytime. And a mixture of cardio(45 second intervals) and then we work the biceps, the legs, quads, thighs, Leg curls and all that stuff, I use all the machines for these , and he adds more weight as we go .

    Sigh... cut out the cheat day unless you are continuing to eat 1800 calories that day. You should not feel or be forced to only eat foods you want to eat (i.e. "junk") once a week if yu want to eat it more often.

    Are you not working shoulders, back, core... why aren't you doing compound lifts (with maybe isolation for bis and tris if desired) with dumbbells and barbells?
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Why are you taking advice from a trainer about nutrition?

    Four rest days a week is ridiculous.

    How so? I have 3 rest days a week. Still lost 31lbs.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    hhnkhl wrote: »
    Its probably water and muscle gain


  • jeeplovin
    jeeplovin Posts: 96 Member
    I started last week with a personal trainer. Three days a week. lifting heavy, and 6 days a week doing 30 min of cardio. My trainer has me eating 1750 a day. I'm 5 2" and 110 lbs.