feeling guilty



  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Its food for goodness sake. Thats why they ask you to regard it as a lifestyle change not some tightrope walk, where there will be enormous consequences if you stray.
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    ksommer13 wrote: »
    I think that's what made me feel so guilty is how hard it was to stop eating them. So instead of feeling proud of myself for putting them down it scared me to see how easy it would b to over eat.

    When I first started losing weight, I gave my bag of chocolate squares to my daughter. She hid them in her room and would dole out one to me each night, as if I were Oliver Twist, LOL.

    After a while I came to appreciate and savor that one square and now I don't have to have them hidden from me anymore.

  • shinisize
    shinisize Posts: 105 Member
    It sounds like you definitely need to work on a way to include things that are hard to put down in a way that is easy for you to stop at a reasonable quantity, and work on your relationship with that food. Working through those feelings is an important part of developing self control and a happier, healthier you. Also, really consider WHY you are guilty. Is it because you enjoyed it? Is it because you wanted more? Is it because some part of your brain let this food have such an overpowering control over you? When you understand your guilt, it is a lot easier to process into a healthier emotion and a successful plan. I sat with a friend at an Overeaters Anonymous meeting and realized that I had a lot of the same issues with food as many of the people there, I just didn't have the emotional triggers on top of my bad food relationships that many of them did. It was a huge eye opener about how I approached food and how I tackled food related problems.
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    Dam*%t, it's just a feeling. We all have feelings. What do you want? To not feel anything. So what if you ate some chocolate covered things? Get over it and move on. Quit wallowing in your unhealthy thoughts over nothing. If you are going to worry about every little bit of food like this, you might as well ask someone for some help with getting an eating disorder. Is that what you want??? If you don't have more important things to worry about in life, you must not be doing anything in life. Maybe someone is even taking care of you. Let go of useless stuff. Work on important things instead. This is so *kitten*)$@ silly and stupid.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    amy_kee wrote: »
    Dam*%t, it's just a feeling. We all have feelings. What do you want? To not feel anything. So what if you ate some chocolate covered things? Get over it and move on. Quit wallowing in your unhealthy thoughts over nothing. If you are going to worry about every little bit of food like this, you might as well ask someone for some help with getting an eating disorder. Is that what you want??? If you don't have more important things to worry about in life, you must not be doing anything in life. Maybe someone is even taking care of you. Let go of useless stuff. Work on important things instead. This is so *kitten*)$@ silly and stupid.

    The mean one speaks truth
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    ksommer13 wrote: »
    So everyone keeps telling me to either have a cheat day or once a week have a small amount of something so I bought a small amount of dark chocolate covered nuts. I only ate part of what I bought and I feel so guilty. I even exercised when I got home hoping it would make me feel better... It didn't. Does anyone else get like this and if so what do you do?

    If you're incorporating chocolate it should be because you want to eat chocolate, not because other people are telling you that you should eat chocolate.

    That said, it is hard enough to maintain a calorie deficit. One should not have to make themselves suffer more than that by avoiding foods they love and choking down foods they hate.

    You can certainly meet your macro targets AND eat delicious foods AND maintain your deficit. In developed nations you're not going to have much trouble hitting your micro targets unless you aren't eating a varied diet (i.e. eating all your calories in, say, only chocolate, or only apples).

    There is no good reason to make yourself more miserable than you have to. You quite likely won't get any meaningful extra credit for it, either.
  • cwagar123
    cwagar123 Posts: 195 Member
    When you have a cheat, who are you cheating? And why?
    It is about lifestyle... Patience and time.
  • WeddedBliss1992
    WeddedBliss1992 Posts: 414 Member
    relationships with food are complicated. guilt is sometimes a part of that with some people. the most important thing to remember is that every day you can start over. if you feel bad about the candy, wake up the next day and try again. keep in mind that you can't give-up all foods FOREVER = that is impossible. you must always be able to incorporate foods and eventually work through your guilt. hang in there.
  • ksommer13
    ksommer13 Posts: 20 Member
    amy_kee wrote: »
    Dam*%t, it's just a feeling. We all have feelings. What do you want? To not feel anything. So what if you ate some chocolate covered things? Get over it and move on. Quit wallowing in your unhealthy thoughts over nothing. If you are going to worry about every little bit of food like this, you might as well ask someone for some help with getting an eating disorder. Is that what you want??? If you don't have more important things to worry about in life, you must not be doing anything in life. Maybe someone is even taking care of you. Let go of useless stuff. Work on important things instead. This is so *kitten*)$@ silly and stupid.

    Why do u need to b that way. It's a question on a weight loss site. That's what this site it for. I take care of myslef and have plenty of real issues. This is just a small one that I was just trying to get feed back on. If u can't b a normal understanding person then y write anything at all. I wish I could b as judgemental as u but unfortunately I'm an understanding person because all I have been threw.
  • runnrchic
    runnrchic Posts: 130 Member
    You can eat whatever you like that us within your range. Just make sure to get all your nutrients for high energy. I personally have a cheat meal or food here or there on the weekends. I just make sure to log it. Last weekend it was 1000 cals of taco bell. Last night it was 1200 cals at red lobster (I add 5% to restaurants to account for innacuracies). I am still 5'6 119#. A few cheat foods did not change that. And that brownie a la mode was good! (I knew it was 400 cals going in...)
  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    amy_kee wrote: »
    Dam*%t, it's just a feeling. We all have feelings. What do you want? To not feel anything. So what if you ate some chocolate covered things? Get over it and move on. Quit wallowing in your unhealthy thoughts over nothing. If you are going to worry about every little bit of food like this, you might as well ask someone for some help with getting an eating disorder. Is that what you want??? If you don't have more important things to worry about in life, you must not be doing anything in life. Maybe someone is even taking care of you. Let go of useless stuff. Work on important things instead. This is so *kitten*)$@ silly and stupid.

    Maybe a bit harsh but true. I guess I don't see the problem. So you ate some chocolate. It fit into your calories for the day so it shouldn't be a big deal. You are developing/maintaining an unhealthy relationship with food. You need to work on getting that in check or it will cause trouble down the road.
  • angelgreathouse9
    angelgreathouse9 Posts: 103 Member
    if eating crap upsets you don't do it... i took a bite out of a mcdonalds mozzarella stick yesterday and decided it just wasn't worth it... i never want to go back to eating fast food so why bother with it at all... on the other hand if you are REALLY craving something let yourself have it in moderation otherwise you're liable to binge on it if you hold out too long. Good luck to you on your journey.
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    ksommer13 wrote: »
    So everyone keeps telling me to either have a cheat day ..

    Who is 'everyone' and why are they telling you this? Nothing against cheat days, I don't understand them myself, but I'm just curious as to why 'everyone' is telling you this.
  • landfish
    landfish Posts: 255 Member
    It's a complicated relationship. On the one hand, you are putting a lot of work, heart and soul into this and you don't want to screw it up. On the other hand, a little treat once in a while is a nice thing.

    My experience has been the best way to deal with this is agree with myself that I will have one such thing every few days. A candy bar, a beer, whatever. It gets budgeted and all so I don't blow my count, but I still get it.

    I actually try very hard to do this. It reduces the sense of deprivation and I feel good knowing that I can have a beer once in a while rather than my previously heavy drinking patterns, or enjoy a bit of chocolate once or twice a week rather than going all Augustus Gloop every time I got near it.
  • cdcruizer05
    cdcruizer05 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Yep feeling guilty tonight I ate to much chicken fettucinni Alfredo I just couldn't stop until I had that full feeling...then I thought afterwards you big dummy! I walked/ran a total of 9 miles today and I felt like I defeated all that I accomplished today.

    But I look at the big picture, you have the next day, week, or months to make the right decisions and to continue to lose weight... So I Don't let it stop me.
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    edited March 2015
    I walked/ran a total of 9 miles today and I felt like I defeated all that I accomplished today.

    There is not need to feel that way. You burned a lot of calories on your nine mile gig and that's calories you don't give back...ever. The calories you consumed are independent of the ones you burned earlier.

    Look at it like gambling. When you lose money it's gone forever. You don't win it back by winning the next hand/game. The calories you burned running are gone forever(which is a good thing)...good job!