I seem to be yo-yoing

I thought I was doing so well, but just lately, I see mto be setting a yo-yo pattern, I lose weight, I gain weight, I lose weight - you all get the idea.
I was 216lbs last week, then, this week I weighed 219, then yesterday I was 218, and guess what, I'm now 220lbs :cry:
I've only been to the gym 3 times this week - I usually go 5 times per week, but everything is pretty hectic with work & home right now - with Xmas just round the corner.
I'm beginning to think I should just give up until after Xmas, I just don't know what to do for the best right now :cry:
Thanks for listening


  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    I thought I was doing so well, but just lately, I see mto be setting a yo-yo pattern, I lose weight, I gain weight, I lose weight - you all get the idea.
    I was 216lbs last week, then, this week I weighed 219, then yesterday I was 218, and guess what, I'm now 220lbs :cry:
    I've only been to the gym 3 times this week - I usually go 5 times per week, but everything is pretty hectic with work & home right now - with Xmas just round the corner.
    I'm beginning to think I should just give up until after Xmas, I just don't know what to do for the best right now :cry:
    Thanks for listening
  • crazybigchick
    It happens to a lot of us. I gain and lose the same five pounds several times it seems before it finally stays off. Getting very serious and strict about journaling seems to help me break through to the next five pounds. Remember weight fluctuates with water intake exercise time of day soduim intake etc. as long as it is a general down ward trend don't worry so much about little rise and falls along the way. Try weighing in less often to give you a truer picture without so many little fluctuations. hth:flowerforyou:
  • Kateeliz
    Kateeliz Posts: 147 Member
    Just a suggestion: Instead of giving up completely until the holidays are over... try just taking measurements during the holidays and staying away from the scale if it's discouraging you!

  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Thanks crazybigchick - I'll give it a go, I really need to break with my obsession with the scale anyway
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Just a suggestion: Instead of giving up completely until the holidays are over... try just taking measurements during the holidays and staying away from the scale if it's discouraging you!


    Think you may have a point, crazybigchick said much the same thing.
    I'm going to have to kick my obsession with the scale, my theory of weighing daily doesn't work - just upsets me. :cry:
    Not sure if I can just give up the scale completely though :noway:
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    If you can help it please please please don't weight yourself more often than once a week. Our bodies can fluctuate so much during the day and the week that you'll drive yourself crazy. If you see a gain it will only discourage you and possibly make you gain more.

    I seem to yo-yo and plateau every ten pounds. I was stuck in the 11-13 pound loss area for what seemed like forever, and now recently I have been yo-yoing between 21 and 23 pounds. Finally I broke out and have lost 26 pounds and it has really encouraged me to try harder to keep losing.

    Don't give up over Christmas, whatever you gain will just be that much more you'll have to lose after, and it could discourage you to never start again. Just keep at it, avoid the scale or at least only weigh weekly and just do what you can to get through the holidays. Even if you keep yo-yoing through the holidays, it's better to know you tried than to give up and gain like 5 pounds or something.
  • dewpearl
    dewpearl Posts: 561 Member
    A tiny suggestion from my side: try not too eat very late in the evening. What you see on the scale might be only some watter weight, due to late night snacking. Yet, discouraging, isn't it?

    And don't you even think about giving up over the holidays! Come and log in whatever you're eating. Maybe set your goal to maintaining and allow yourself to eat more - but keeping an eye on it will surely prevent you from eating double. If you have to do shopping, then this could count as exercising. And take your sons for walks, to enjoy the decorations in the city center. This is how I maintain when I visit my family over the holidays - by walking. :smile:

    Don't get low if you gain a pound or two. As I keep telling people (since the success of losing it depends on our attitude), if there are days when you go overboard, just think that this way you'll be fooling your body to think you're back into the old habits. Which isn't it, cos you're not going to turn it into a habit. But sure is something which will trigger weight loss when you're back on track.

    Hope this helped a lill. :flowerforyou:
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    I know it's tempting to give up during the holidays...but instead of giving up completely, I have given myself a "buffer zone" of a few pounds that I will let myself gain back...I can gain 3 pounds back without beating myself up over it...it's not that I WANT to gain those pounds back (as I already gained over my birthday weekend, but today those pounds are gone as is one additional pound) but I realize that this is a high calorie time of year. With my buffer zone, I can relax a little, and I know that I can indulge in some things but have to work it off soon after...so I am giving myself a little wiggle room but realizing that I will have to work twice as hard to work that weight back off...

    I guess my point is...don't give up completely...just take it one day at a time, work as hard as you always have, but don't beat yourself up if you have some days where you make less than ideal decisions...and don't consider the whole day a waste if you slip up once...getting back on the wagon never has to wait until the next day...if the new year comes and you are still yo yoing, it may be time to look into what you are doing and making some adjustments, but for this month, give yourself a little room to gain without getting upset at yourself.
  • annasart
    annasart Posts: 6 Member
    Don't give up and wait until after Christmas! I figure if I can get through Christmas without my usual 10 pounds gain I will still being doing well.So don't worry about the small up and downs your ahead of the Holiday weight issues!

    There are so many tempting goodies this time of year if I don't watch it most days I will be in trouble. I was doing well when I started but have been up and down lately since I was too busy to log my days. I am going to make the time for ME now so I can do better!

    Hang tough! :blushing:
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Thanks guys, I think my main prob at the moment is that I'm working 10-12 hour shifts at weekends, and i'm too tired by the time I finish work to cook, so we have a take away or just eat whatever is easiest.
    I've decided to tell my works tomorrow that I'm cutting down the hours I work at the weekends, as my health is starting to suffer for it.
    As for eating late, I never eat past 7pm these days, I find I can't sleep if I've eaten late.
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    I thought I was doing so well, but just lately, I see mto be setting a yo-yo pattern, I lose weight, I gain weight, I lose weight - you all get the idea.
    I was 216lbs last week, then, this week I weighed 219, then yesterday I was 218, and guess what, I'm now 220lbs :cry:
    I've only been to the gym 3 times this week - I usually go 5 times per week, but everything is pretty hectic with work & home right now - with Xmas just round the corner.
    I'm beginning to think I should just give up until after Xmas, I just don't know what to do for the best right now :cry:
    Thanks for listening

    I have been doing the same thing since Thanksgiving..but I must say I have been watching what I eat especially since we have had parties to attend each week since. I'm sure that the foods that I'm eating have much more sodium in them then I would cook myself.

    I go up, and then down, up then down....only about 2 lbs each time. I think it's just a combo of water weight and hitting another slight plateau...oh well. as long at when the scale says I gained 2 lbs it doesn't stay there :wink: once the holidays are over, all will be right with the world...LOL
  • Chellekk
    Chellekk Posts: 421 Member
    Don't give up. You're trying right now the best that you can and you're yo-yoing a few pounds. If you give up completely, think about the weight you can possibly gain!! Just keep doing it the best that you can and then work harder once things are settled.
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Don't give up. You're trying right now the best that you can and you're yo-yoing a few pounds. If you give up completely, think about the weight you can possibly gain!! Just keep doing it the best that you can and then work harder once things are settled.

    Very true ...
    I haven't given up - well, not on weight loss anyway, I've given up on my scale, I actually managed to NOT weigh myself this morning - although, when I got to the gym, I was tempted to stick a coin in and see what it said, but no, I walked right past it :bigsmile:
    I am NOT going to weigh myself at all until Sunday - then I expect I'll jump out of bed, run downstairs to the loo, and then, back upstairs to the scale :laugh:
    I had a good workout today, really made me feel a LOT better about myself, I'm having a low cal dinner tonight, and I'm also going to have some 'me' time with a good book - I love reading, but life been so hectic of late, I've left the books well alone :ohwell: